Episode 14: Chaos Rises

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Eggman sits in a cell as a drone passes by

Mark: Dinner time.

He slides the food under the cell door, Eggman grumbles as he picks it up and inspects it, he then began eating before spitting the food out

Eggman: The soups cold and the salads hot, how is that even possible?!

He slams it on the floor and crosses his arms and grumbles, outside Mark wanders around only so see a figure standing at the end of the hall, raising a brow he approached

Mark: Uh, hey there, no one's supposed to be here after hours... actually no one's supposed to be here at all, how did you get here anyways?

He asked for only to receive silence, this slows his pace

Mark: Hello?

He called out only for a hand to grab his face and crush it, the figures green eyes pierced through the darkness before making his way forwards towards Eggmans cell, it the rips the panel off the wall which unlocks the cell, confused Eggman gets up and peers outside

Eggman: Peculiar...

He hummed only for almost slip on a puddle of water, regaining his posture he glared

Eggman: Of course those lousy worker drones leave a mess behind.

He grumbles only to notice the water rising into a humanoid being, Eggman stares at it in pure shock before smiling evilly

Eggman: It worked! It really worked, you have returned to the world of the living, Chaos the God of Destruction!

Eggman laughed evilly as Chaos stood there unresponsive

Gerald onboard the Space Colony Ark walks into a room and sighs in annoyance, his attempts of saving Maria have fallen short, he slides down his back as he leans against the door

Gerald: Why... why won't anything work?

Gerald sighed sadly as he looks down, time was running low, but thankfully being in space slowed the progression of the disease, he didn't want to give up yet. Looking up at his desk he spots the photo of (Y/N)'s blueprints, his eyes widen in realisation, he had created the perfect life form and others just like him. But what if he was to create another, a perfect— no, an Ultimate Life Form. Someone who was able to do the impossible. Getting up he cleaned off his desk and began looking for (Y/N)'s blueprints, finding them he would start recreating them to be better and stronger.

Gerald: If this works... then you may have another chance of life Maria... I just hope I'm not too late.
(Y/N) sleeps on his bed with his girlfriends cuddling him, Tails meanwhile works in the workshop nearby, building something to help them on their missions, in another room Amy was watching TV and was mesmerising over it, N and Sally meanwhile took a stroll down the streets of the newly rebuilt city, holding hands as they did so, an alarm wakes up the gang as the wake up

(Y/N): Oh man, how long did we sleep for?

J: Approximately 3 hours.

Uzi: Do you even not record something?

J: And that marks number 35 for you repeating that.

Uzi groans as (Y/N) gets up

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