Fast footsteps run across the floor of the ARK as a young girl runs around, rushing past some scientists. She makes it to a room where she gets stopped by two guards
Guard 1: Woah, woah. No one's allowed back here without clearance.
Guard 2: Ease yourself, that's the professors granddaughter. He takes her wherever he goes.
Guard: Oh, my apologies, I have only just got recited to this sector. Please, go right through.
Maria walks past and makes it towards a lab where Gerald was holding a clipboard while other scientists keep watch, Gerald noticed Maria's presence and smiled
Gerald: Ah, there's my little niece.
Maria: Hello, uncle.
Maria spoke with a smile as a light of black and red zooms past before halting to a stop, its eyes open up as he glares at the scientists
Gerald: Shadow, marvellous as always!
Shadow looked over as his glare kept strong, Maria smiled at the hedgehog who gave a small smile back
Gerald: These reading are off the charts. To say I'm impressed is an understatement, unfortunately the speed fails to reach the same level that (Y/N) possesses. But it appears that the chaos energy inside Project Shadow is more compatible.
Shadow overhears this and his eyes furrow before crossing his arms with a huff
Shadow: He always compared me to his first creation.
Maria: Well, to be honest. You are an upgraded model of (Y/N).
Shadow only rolls his eyes, tried of being compared to his predecessor, yet he was wanting to meet him one day to see if he was really the drone Gerald had always said he was
Maria: Come on, Shadow!
Maria grabs shadows wrist and drags him away
Gerald: Shadow, can you come here for a—-
He noticed Shadow and Maria gone and chuckles
Maria: Is it on?
Maria asked as she sets up her camera where she comes face to face with Tessa
Maria: Oh, hey Tessa!
Tessa: Maria! So good to hear from you again!
Maria: Same here, how's (Y/N)?
Tessa: Still can't speak, but he's made progress. You should see J and V, they are head over heels for that little guy. How about Shadow? How's he handling?
Shadow walked up with a glare still
Shadow: Hello, Tessa. It is good to see you again.
Tessa: Hey Shad! Looking good as ever!
Shadow smirks from the compliment as Maria giggles
Maria: It's so cool we both have Hedgehogs for drones!
Tessa giggles before hearing a beep from behind her, Tessa smiles as she turns around
Tessa: Hey, (Y/N)! Come meet Shadow!
Shadows brow raises, he's finally gonna meet this supposed predecessor of his, the one that they call the Ultimate Life Form. His eyes soon meet a green pair as they stare at each other, Shadow looks shocked to see they had a similar yet different appearance to one another
Maria: Say hi to (Y/N), Shadow.
Maria smiled, (Y/N) places a hand on the monitor and Shadow looks at it, remembering when he did the same thing with Maria all those months ago. Shadow slowly brings his hand onto the monitor as they look at each other——————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Shadow looked outside of the abandoned ARK as that memory plays in his head, his fist clench's before he sighs, as he looks down at Cooper-9 his eyes soften, the door opens and Shadow regains his posture as Rouge walks in

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us