Episode 19: Prison Island

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A few hours pass as seagulls fly above the ocean, a plane soon flies by as it's revealed to be Tails flying it

Tails: I can't believe they sent (Y/N) to Prison Island. He wouldn't have done those things, not the (Y/N), we know. But whatever happened, N informed me about his whereabouts. Now it's time to set him free.

Tails spoke with a determined face as he flies towards Prison Island, only to look down at a Navy Lookout ship and spot Amy onboard

Tails: Amy? What are you doing here?

Tails wondered only to see Eggmans mech approaching her from behind with his mech

Tails: Eggman! I gotta save Amy! Tornado! Commence transformation!

Tails presses a button which transforms the plane into a very similar mech to Eggmans

Eggman: Well, hello there.

Eggman smiled as Amy backs up

Amy: Dr Eggman! W-What are you doing here?!

Eggman: That is none of your concern.

A thud hits the ground which causes the duo to look behind themselves, seeing Tails approach

Eggman: Well if it isn't Fox boy.

Tails: I don't know what you're doing here Eggman, but I'm not going to let you hurt Amy.

Eggman: Is that so?

Eggman soon fired a barrage of missiles at Tails which he quickly countered by firing some missiles back, Tails then ran forwards and sent bullets at the Dr who ran

Eggman: Get a load of this!

Eggman yelled out as he fired more missiles onto the Fox, dodging, Tails would fire two missiles besides Eggman which got slightly grazed, he looks up only to see Tails bullets heading towards his mech, he gets slightly affected as his mech starts smoking. Taking this opportunity Tails fired another missile at him causing his Mech to collapse

Tails: Alright, yeah!

Tails smiled to himself as Eggman picks himself up

Eggman: Count yourself lucky, Fox boy. I won't destroy due to some other plans I must get too. We will meet again and I won't play nicely.

Eggman leaves as Tails glares at him, Amy then rushes over

Amy: Woah! Tails, that was amazing! Also, what are you doing here?

Tails: I should be asking you that question.

Amy: Well I heard (Y/N) was taken to prison island. And I had to help him someway.

Tails shrugs as he began walking away. Amy notices

Any: Hey! Wait up!

Amy called out as she gives chase to him
Inside the main entrance of the island, Tails and Amy move in, and starts walking around

Tails: (Y/N)'s gotta be here somewhere, we should split up.

Amy: Spilt up? Is that a good idea?

Tails: Yes, that way we can cover more ground in less time.

Any nods before running down a hallway. Tails watches her leave before looking at the way infront of him

Tails: Don't worry (Y/N), I'm coming.

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