Episode 17: City Escape

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Uzi: *narrating* 5 months after the defeat of Eggman and Chaos, the world had forever changed after that, new city's have been made, a new leaders started to rise up and form a government insure to protect the people after allowing a villain onto our ground, the WDF was no longer around, being replaced with a new military force from a long past called G.U.N, started up by some anonymous person. Either ways, this new government has rebuilt our entire world and funded experiments on the Disassembly Drones, finally freeing them of their weakness to the sunlight, finally the New Autobots dubbed by (Y/N) now works under them insuring the peace was kept... a few weeks ago we found Eggman again, he's been more on the low for those encounters, but it hasn't stopped G.U.N from searching for him. But for now... we wait and see what happens next....

March 12

A Gun helicopter flies over the bright skies of Copper-9

G.U.N Drone: All Units, This is Alpha Force 1, brining in the prisoner.

G.U.N Drone 2: Understood, sending location requirements now.

G.U.N Drone: Heading to requested area now-

G.U.N Drone 3: The prisoners escaped!

G.U.N Drone 4: Where is he?!

G.U.N Drone 5: I found him— ack!

G.U.N Drone 3: He's attacking us! I can't see him!

A loud thud was heard from inside presumably from the G.U.N Drones

G.U.N Drone 1: All Units! The prisoner has broken free of his restraints! I repeat he has broken free!

The helicopter door soon busts open and (Y/N) flies out, grabbing onto the back off the helicopter, he then climbs into the top

(Y/N): Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies... I'm outta here!

(Y/N) spoke as he ripped off a piece from the helicopter

(Y/N): I like running instead anyways!

(Y/N) jumps off the helicopter with a board shaped piece from the copter, as he falls back down to the land he smirks at the screen before falling down

(Y/N) safely lands on the ground and began skidding down the road

G.U.N Drone 6: Attention all units, suspect seen travelling down Walter Street.

(Y/N) used the board to slide down the long mountain, doing some sick tricks when he got air, behind him multiple G.U.N cars follow behind, wailing their sirens as they gave chase. (Y/N) kept a smirk on his face as he kept skating down, soon he passes a Bug Purple Cat

 (Y/N) kept a smirk on his face as he kept skating down, soon he passes a Bug Purple Cat

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