You were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us
Eggmans spacecraft continued to go at Hyperspace, on the deck below, (Y/N) and the gang float around
N: Where are we heading?
Tails: Most likely towards the last two Chaos Emeralds.
Uzi: Well we can't let him get them before us.
V: That's if we can get to him, there's no gravity.
(Y/N): Well, let's just hope we land soon. ————————— Eggman continued to pilot the ship as Orbot and Cubot fly around
Orbot: Sir... could you please restore the gravity?
Eggman: No, those bumbling idiots below us are still a threat to us. If I turn on the gravity, it'll allow them to get up here and they could steal the Chaos Emeralds. And I cannot allow that.
The ships lights soon started to flare red as they approached something big, Eggman looked on the monitor and saw something on the radar. Exiting Hyperspace they come face to face with a giant flying Island
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Down below the gang see the giant island too
N: Woah, it's beautiful.
Uzi: Why's there a giant floating island in the middle of space?
(Y/N): Whatever that island is, it must have the last two Chaos Emeralds. —————— Eggman presses a button on his Hovercraft which activates a dome over it, two booster seats come up for Cubot and Orbot who take their spots on it
Eggman: We must continue here on our own. Keep the ship active until we need it again.
Eggman ordered the two drones who salute as the floor underneath them opens up, the hovercraft goes down before entering the vacuum of space. The others see him leaving
Tails: Eggmans making a move
J: And we're stuck up here with no way of escaping... great.
(Y/N): We need to get down there and stop him.
V: But how do we get down there? It's not like we can find an escape pod here.
(Y/N) thinks about it as Tails gets an idea
Tails: Hey, we can fly right?
All: Yeah?
Tails: Then we might have a chance. All we need to do is use our flight capabilities to get down there.
J: *scoffs* Easier said than done. Without gravity, it's harder for us to control our flight.
Tails: But we have to try, what other choice do we have?