(Y/N): *internal monologue* J and V have been missing for sometime, no one's seen them in days, I'm worried for them, Uzi and N have been searching every inch of the colony while I've been scouting out the entire planet, no traces of them anywhere, Dr Robotnik has also said that there's been no traces of the two last Chaos Emeralds which has been confusing, but I've got more pressing matters to worry about.(Y/N) runs around, worried about his missing girlfriends, as he kept the pace, Tail works on his device again
V: What's that?
Tails: Our way out. Hopefully.
J: I thought you said there was no way out.
Tails: True. But I wasn't giving Chaos Intelligence for nothing was I?
He smirked as he continued to work on his device, J and V left to watch as he worked
V: So, what's with the extra tail?
Tails looked at it and looked embarrassed
Tails: Oh, that? There was something wrong when I was made.
J: What happened? Most defective Drones were scrapped.
Tails: That's the thing. I was meant to be scrapped...
A broken Tails lays on a desk as two scientists shrugScientist 1: He's clearly defective.
Scientists 2: Welp, might as well scrap him down for parts.
The two grabbed hammers and nodded at each other as they went to destroy him
V: So why didn't you?Tails smiled
Tails: Cause of Gerald Robotnik.
As the two scientists went to destroy Tails, they were stopped by a cough, looking over they saw Gerald standing thereGerald: And what are you both doing?
Scientist 1: Dismantling this unresponsive drone?
Gerald tsched as he approached and looked at the fox drone with a small smile
Gerald: If it's not responsive, then you haven't worked enough.
Gerald rewired the drone which shortly sparked life into the drone
???: Systems operational. What is my serial designation?
Gerald smiled as he puts a hand on his shoulder
Gerald: Well my friend, I don't believe in serial designations, I prefer names that everyone can call you by.
??? Looked at himself and was hit by his extra tail
???: Why do I have two tails?
Gerald just hummed before smiling
Gerald: You have two because you're unique, both of your tails are... actually, that's not a bad name.
???: What is?
Gerald only smiled before getting up and offering the drone a hand
Gerald: Come, I have someone I'd like you to meet.
??? Gave him a questioning look before following where they found a pod and inside laid (Y/N)
Gerald: He is going to be the most perfect creation ever conceived. And you're going to be close with each other.

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us