Episode 10: Hunt for the Choas Emeralds

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In the middle of nowhere, the gang stand around and look around, V and J have bored expressions as they use their wings to hover above the ground, N sits down and bobs his head side to side while Uzi plays around with her solver, (Y/N) crosses his arms and taps on his foot as they waited

J: We sure he said to meet up here in the middle of nowhere?

V: Well that's what those two idiot drones said.

They hear something coming towards them, which is revealed to be Robotniks iconic hover craft

J: He finally arrives.

She rolls her eyes as Robotnik approached

Robotnik: Apologise for my late arrival, I had some business to take care of.

N: What kind of business?

Robotnik: Oh nothing to serious, just some "uncooperative" machinery.

Robotnik emphasises the uncooperative part which goes unnoticed by everyone

(Y/N): Dr, you said that the Chaos Emerald was approaching, right? Do you know where?

Robotnik: I luckily do, thanks to this device I have constructed.

N gets in Robotniks face

N: Ooooooooh, what's it called?

Robotnik pushes N face away

Robotnik: It's called a Chaos Tracker. It allows me to track any rouge chaos energy.

J: Great, then why do you need us then if that can find your Chaos Emeralds?

Robotnik: This device can only track its location, it doesn't track where it lands, that's why you're here.

Robotnik glared at J who slightly gets taken back at this

Robotnik: Now, if we don't have any more questions, the first emerald should be approaching in approximately....

The tracker began beeping

Robotnik: Right now.

A shining light passes through the sky and passes above the gang before crashing into the ground far away

V: Guess we found our emerald.

(Y/N): Catch you guys there!

(Y/N) uses his super speed to race towards the emerald, the others summon their wings and give chase

Robotnik: This is going better than I expected.

Robotnik follows behind, (Y/N) skids to a stop and rubs his nose as the others land not to long after, they all began their search for the emerald, looking behind destroyed object and piles of snow, (Y/N) looks around and sees something shining, zooming over he finds the first emerald

Robotnik follows behind, (Y/N) skids to a stop and rubs his nose as the others land not to long after, they all began their search for the emerald, looking behind destroyed object and piles of snow, (Y/N) looks around and sees something shining, z...

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