|| book one of one ||
"i love you and i'm not gonna let him hurt you again!"
brooklynn was a kook who was in a very toxic relationship with none other than rafe cameron. she was completely brainwashed by the boy until a certain pogue came into the p...
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Brooklynn remained on the hammock, laying on top of Sarah.
"How've you been?" Sarah asked.
"What do you mean?" Brooklynn asked.
"JJ said you smoked weed for the first time on the boat. You always promised yourself you'd never do that," Sarah explained softly, "And even the way you've been talking... it's different."
"I'm okay, Sarah," Brooklynn reassured her best friend.
"No you're not," Sarah shook her head, "I know you, Brook."
Sarah nodded silently, brushing her fingers through Brooklynn's hair.
Just as Brooklynn was about to drift off to sleep, she heard a car door slam in the distance.
"Did you hear that?" Brooklynn asked Sarah, sitting up in alarm.
Sarah nodded, "Was that a car door?"
John B and JJ rushed across the yard to the two girls.
"What was that?" Brooklynn questioned both boys.
"Someone's here," John B answered, dumping a can of beer over the fire to put it out.
"What do we do?" Sarah asked.
JJ looked around anxiously before coming up with an idea, "Up the tree, go!"
"Wait, what about Kiara and Pope?" Brooklynn asked, stopping in her tracks.
"They went off on the Pogue, they're fine. Let's go!" John B rushed.
John B climbed up one of the trees, extending his hand to help Sarah up. Sarah winced, her bullet wound making the movement painful.
JJ made sure Brooklynn got to the top of the tree safely before he hopped up after her.
JJ sat behind Brooklynn on the tree branch, keeping his hands on either side of her waist so he could catch her in case she fell off.
Mere seconds later, Rafe and Barry made their way around the corner, guns in hand.
The sight of Rafe made Brooklynn tense up. Brooklynn's uncomfortable state made JJ want to jump out of the tree and punch Rafe right across the face.
Thankfully JJ kept his cool and stayed silent, watching Barry enter the Chateau.
Rafe stayed outside, searching for the group. Brooklynn knew it was her fault Rafe was here. She was now regretting not telling her friends about their phone call.
"Did you find them?" Barry asked, exiting the Chateau.
"Nah, you?" Rafe asked.
"No," Barry shook his head, "Ain't shit in there, bro,"