chapter sixteen: truth or dare

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Hours later, the six Pogues remained in the hot tub. Their lively spirit hadn't died down once.

At the moment, they were in the middle of playing truth or dare. JJ had been dared to keep the cardboard box that previously held the cans of beer on his head for the next two rounds.

"Yo, Kie!" JJ shouted across the hot tub, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Kiara said.

JJ smirked, "I dare you to kiss the hottest person here."

"On the lips!" Sarah added.

Sarah and John B laughed together as the attention shifted to Pope. Everyone assumed him and Kiara had something going on.

Kiara shrugged and made her way across the hot tub towards Brooklynn. The look of disappointment in Pope's face was visible.

Kiara put a hand on Brooklynn's hip to stabilize herself as she leaned in. John B and JJ cat-called the girls, making them pull apart and laugh.

"Sorry for cheating on you, J," Brooklynn teasingly whispered to the blonde boy next to her.

"You can make it up to me later," JJ winked.

Kiara sat back in her seat and looked around the hot tub, "Pope, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Pope said, his face lighting up as Kiara looked at him.

"I dare you to make up a rap song," Kiara said.

"Bet," Pope smiled, "I never made good grades in school. When I get out, I act like a fool. They say I come in the party and cause a commotion. I'm smooth. Yeah, call me lotion."

The group clapped along with his song, letting out cheers.

"Alright, alright," Pope laughed, accepting the applause, "JJ, truth or dare?"

"You already know the answer, man," JJ said, removing the cardboard box from his head.

Dare. It was always dare with JJ. He was the bravest boy any of them knew.

"Teach me how to fight," Pope dared him as if he'd been waiting for this opportunity his whole life.

"Seriously? Right now?" JJ asked.

"Right now," Pope confirmed.

"Alright," JJ nodded, getting out of the hot tub.

Pope hopped out of the hot tub with him, both boys strolling over to an open grassy area in the backyard.

Both of them started in fighting stances. JJ gave Pope instructions that he closely followed.

JJ won two rounds, which by then, everyone had gotten quite bored. Just as JJ was about to take his third victory, Pope sweeped his leg out from under him.

Everyone whooped for Pope as JJ fell to the ground with a chuckle.

"When did you start wrestling?" John B asked.

"Just now," Pope shrugged.

Pope picked up his shirt and shoes, beginning to head inside.

"You want a round four?" JJ asked.

"Nah, I think I'll take my losses," Pope answered.

As soon as Pope headed inside, Kiara stood up to follow him.

"Really?" Sarah laughed in disbelief.

"Way to be discreet!" JJ yelled after Kiara.

"Wow," Brooklynn laughed with Sarah.

Brooklynn, Sarah, John B and JJ finally left the hot tub and made their way over to the hammocks. John B started a bonfire while JJ set up a lawn chair for himself.

"Uh oh," John B said after trying to take a sip out of his empty beer can, "Your boy's out. Beer time!"

JJ looked over to Brooklynn with a smirk. Sarah immediately shut her eyes.

"Please don't have sex in front of me," Sarah pleaded.

"We won't," Brooklynn promised, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Brookie, I miss you," JJ whined, "C'mere."

Brooklynn scrunched her nose up in disgust, "Brookie is for John B only."

"Why just John B?" JJ asked.

"Because I don't want my boyfriend calling me the same thing my brother does," Brooklynn told him, climbing off the hammock she shared with Sarah.

JJ pulled Brooklynn onto the lawn chair he sat in. She sat on JJ's lap facing him, her knees on either side of his hips.

"How's baby?" JJ asked.

Brooklynn shook her head, "Nope. That was for Rafe."

"Cupcake?" JJ suggested.

"Gross, no," Brooklynn shook her head.

"Babe?" JJ asked.

"That's better," Brooklynn smiled.

"Truth or dare, babe?" JJ asked.

"Everyone's picking dare today, so I guess I'll join," Brooklynn said.

"Great," JJ said with a smug look covering his face, "I dare you to let me kiss you."

"Kay," Brooklynn blushed.

JJ placed a hand on the back of her neck and the small of her back, pulling her in towards him.

Brooklynn put her hands on his chest so she wouldn't fall into him as their lips connected.

Brooklynn smiled into the kiss, JJ using it as an opportunity to pull her closer.

JJ unlatched his lips from hers and began placing kisses down her jaw to her neck, moving his hand from her neck to her hip.

"Hands off, Maybank!" John B yelled from where he stood at the cooler.

Brooklynn jumped at the sound of John B's voice and fell into JJ's chest. JJ quickly caught her waist and chuckled.

"Dude, you're literally married," Brooklynn groaned, standing up off of JJ.

JJ laughed at Brooklynn's comment, walking over to meet John B at the cooler.

Brooklynn joined Sarah back in the hammock, laying her head on Sarah's chest.

"I really missed you, Sarah," Brooklynn sighed out.

"I really missed you too," Sarah smiled, looking up at the stars in the sky.

Sarah had all she ever needed, her husband and her flower girl.



hi, mom... IM SORRY.

anyway i found like three perfect gifs for the header of this chapter but wattpad only lets u have 3gb for a gif and they were over that *sigh* AND I EVEN USED A GIF COMPRESSOR

bit of a short one, my bad yall. i just wrote like 5 chapters at once hehe

-destany <3

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