|| book one of one ||
"i love you and i'm not gonna let him hurt you again!"
brooklynn was a kook who was in a very toxic relationship with none other than rafe cameron. she was completely brainwashed by the boy until a certain pogue came into the p...
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Together, the six Pogues boarded John B and Sarah's boat and sailed back towards Kildare Island.
They all took turns telling each other about their separate adventures.
"I'm sorry, Sarah, you got shot?!" Brooklynn asked in complete shock.
Sarah nodded and continued her explanation, "Yeah, by Rafe. Him and Ward were transporting the gold when John B, Cleo, Terrence and I stopped them."
"Of course it was Rafe," Pope said.
Sarah and John B continued their story. They talked about how Cleo saved their life after John B ran into her with a car, how Rafe and Ward ended up getting the gold back from Terrence, and finally how on their way to Charleston, they got married.
"Wait, seriously?" JJ asked.
"It wasn't exactly legal, but..." Sarah nodded, trailing off.
"I'm so offended you didn't let me officiate," Brooklynn told John B and Sarah.
"Well, I wanted you to be the maid of honour, but John B insisted you'd be the flower girl," Sarah said.
"I suppose I'll accept that role," Brooklynn joked, "I'm guessing you guys don't have rings?"
Sarah and John B locked eyes, smiling. Brooklynn admired the way they looked at each other and hoped JJ would look at her that way some day.
Sarah moved her hair to the side and showcased a piece of John B's bandana.
"That must've been real expensive, John B," Brooklynn sarcastically assumed.
"Oh, yeah," John B nodded, "Tore a hole right through my pocket."
JJ, Brooklynn and Kiara laughed at his response.
"But it was worth it," John B smiled at Sarah.
On the way to the Chateau, nobody could remove the genuine smiles from their face. Seeing Sarah and John B safe and so hopelessly in love could brighten anyone's day.
"There she is," John B said as they approached the Chateau.
"Bet it is good to see her old bones," JJ said, "Welcome home, guys."
"You know, I gotta be honest, I'm not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home," Kiara said.
Brooklynn felt the joy drain from her body just like that. Ariella definitely wouldn't love seeing her daughter come home 21 hours late and without her super expensive car.
"My parents probably already arranged my funeral," Kiara said.
"Same," Brooklynn said, "Especially after I left our only way of transportation in Charleston."
"Without that thing, we wouldn't have been able to find you, Brookie," John B told her.