chapter fourteen: car troubles

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! violence and blood ⚠

! violence and blood ⚠

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Pope now sat in the driver's seat of Brooklynn's BMW, JJ next to him while the two girls giggled in the back.

"Dude," JJ laughed, "We gotta get her high more."

Pope shook his head, "Nope. I missed when she was the smart one."

"You've always been the smart one, Pipe-Cleaner," Brooklynn laughed to herself.

"Yeah, thanks," Pope said.

Suddenly smoke began to exert from the hood of the car.

"Oh, come on!" Pope yelled in frustration.

"Pull over!" Kiara told her.

JJ began to cough as the smoke entered the car, "Pope, I've got sensitive lungs, man."

"Jeez, I wonder why," Brooklynn muttered, sobering up as soon as she saw the smoke.

"Have you ever had issues with this thing before?" Pope asked Brooklynn as he stopped the car on the side of the road.

"No, never," Brooklynn answered.

Kiara jumped out of the car, "It's gonna blow up!"

"No, It's not gonna blow up," JJ told her as everyone exited the vehicle.

Brooklynn walked in front of her car, lifting the hood up. Brooklynn wondered if Rafe somehow messed with the radiator.

"You might wanna reschedule your meeting tonight, Pope," JJ said.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna need a Plan B," Brooklynn nodded.

"Plan B?" Kiara repeated, "We could, um... public transportation? We could hitchhike or rent bikes."

"Yeah, no," JJ sighed, "We gotta call a repair shop."


Brooklynn had to call a tow truck to tow her vehicle to the nearest repair shop.

Pope and Brooklynn stood inside with the owner, trying to figure out what the issue is with her car.

JJ and Kiara sat outside the shop on a bench, discussing what their next move would be.

"Hey, JJ?" Kiara asked.

"What's that?"

"Brooklynn's a really good person," Kiara deadpanned.

𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now