Uzi stares at the glowing hole, quickly losing her balance in the process. She twirls around before getting saved by Noris solver as she jumps on the rocks, Uzi smiles with her trying to say "Mom" only for no audio. Nori approaches on a rock with it reading "WHOOPS" before shrugging.
Uzi: *visor* How stop?
Nori: *flipping the rock over with the cross on it* Patch?
Uzi blushes in embarrassment as she makes a gesture that it's broken. Her visor changes to a text Nori could read "SOLVER CONTROL ME AGAIN?" Nori tosses the necklace at her to which she grabs before looking at the rock which Nori had generously wrote something for her "IF U A LIL B****" unfortunately Uzi's parentally advisory had blocked the text. She gives Nori a nervous inaudible chuckle before putting the necklace on. Uzi waves goodbye at her as Nori gives her an emoji of a smiley face before flipping it over again. "NEEDS HOST-DESTROY CYNS HEART" using her solver she grabs her pickaxe and iPod, she tosses the pickaxe to Uzi, only to be knocked back by a ship that sends her towards the planets atmosphere. Outside on the pod, N's tail drags her inside and the door closes regain sound once again, N chuckles
(Y/N): Hey Uzi!
Uzi smacks (Y/N) on the back of his head and throws an object at N's head
Uzi: What? No! N! My mom was back there!
(Y/N): she was? N, we got to save her!
N panics as he presses buttons on the pod
N: On it! I'm so sorry Uzi, we didn't know.
Uzi: You both were supposed to get away.
N: Yeah, I'm kind of like, actually mad about what you did.
(Y/N): How do you think I feel? I thought we lost you a third time.
Uzi: I have a habit don't I? *chuckles nervously*
(Y/N): You really do.
Uzi hugs (Y/N)
Uzi: I'm sorry.
(Y/N): It's fine. It's the planet and the drones down there that I'm worried about right now.
N: Aaaah!
As the duo embraced each other N controls the ship in order not to get obliterated by the asteroids
(Y/N): See, this is why you're the pilot.
N: I can see that now.
The duo high-five, only for the power to go out as a yellow tendril enters the pod and a text appeared
(Y/N) flips off the tendril while N and Uzi try and say something only for no sound to come out. The tendril destroys the ship and the trio fall towards the planet where they start to light up, the trio get towards each other and grab their hands
Uzi: That's a serious issue.
(Y/N): I always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
Uzi: No one's dying idiot! Not while I'm here.
(Y/N): *chuckles* You somehow have the optimism of the group.
Uzi: I had an amazing friend to help me.
She smiles at N who smiled back
Uzi: And I had an amazing boyfriend to help me along.
Uzi blushes as (Y/N) smiles at her, he tightens his grip on her and he blushes

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us