A cathedral lays on top of a mountain, lightning strikes as Sentinels are tied up outside, inside people run around
Ridley: Science holding strong, sir! Math....
Above something sends out oil, a badge files up revealing to be Noris 02 badge, as it passes its revealed Nori has been corrupted by the Solver, a scientist looks at her and points at himself confused
Ridley: Dr Chambers!
This causes him to gasp
Dr Chambers: O-oh, no— I-i-I'm not...
He looks over and realises he has grabbed the wrong suit, his real one with the name tag "Mitchel" on it, with the words "Intern" on it
Mitchel: *Whispers* Is this guy important?
Tendrils break the chains holding Nori before grabbing an arrow and fires it at Mitchel, a scientist pulls a level and the pad underneath her illuminates, like a magnet, it keeps her on the floor, lights shine upon her burning her as she tries to grab Mitchel, mistaking him for Dr Chambers, he tendrils disappear
Ridley: Chambers!
She throws him a badge
Ridley: Get 48!
Mitchel looks at it which is show Yeva on it
Mitchel: Right, so... *chuckles nervously* This is a doctor- specific thing?
Ridley grabs out a cross and spins it as she approaches Nori
Mitchel: Cause I'm on it!
He runs out of the cathedral only to look back and see Nori staring and waving at him, the doors slam shut as Mitchel continues to run. As he runs inside a cave he finds Yeva's locker, opening it, she awakens, she looks at him as he point at the badge before shrugging, annoyed, Yeva bangs her head on the wall. The duo proceed to run back to the cathedral only to pass where the sentinels were kept. Entering the cathedral once again, everyone runs around while Ridley stoped Nori with the cross stuck in her head, she then waves to him
Ridley: Chambers! Get over here!
Mitchel: Y-Yep, um... so, I... couldn't find 48?
Outside Yeva tries to get in and looks confused as he said that
Ridley: Whatever!
Mitchel: R-Right. Uh... Here I... come...
Mitchel slowly makes his way over, he finds a cross on the floor and goes to pick it up, only to find a Ridley on the opposite side to him, she looks at him before a blue portal drags her through, she screams as a tendril carries her into the centre of the contraption used to stop Nori, turning it into a flesh pit, it's then revealed everyone was fake holograms and the area itself was being destroyed, from the flesh pit, a beast rises and Nori walks off it, her tendrils popping out of her back as she approached Mitchel
Solver: Thanks for the new host... intern. (Y/N) will love it.
Mitchel: Who the heck is (Y/N)?
Nori uses the solver and grabs the cross Mitchel picked up, she spins it around while smiling
Solver: MacGuffin.
She throws it at Mitchel which collides with Mitchel, only for it to be revealed as a tape on the TV being played as it being rewinding, a drone heart holds a different cross with her solver while listening to music, she takes a sip from her drink before tossing the cross away, she then uses her solver and looks around a map with many crosses on it, adding another one to the map. She takes her headphones off and puts a helmet on and grabs a pickaxe and starts to leave as it's revealed she's in the cathedral, making her way to the same flesh pit from the tape. The Elevator meanwhile crashes and everyone flies out and began coughing, N notices the exit close and gets concerned

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us