Episode 6: Dead End

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French Narrator: Ah what a beautiful day outside, a beautiful palm tree on top of a beautiful small island. The cool water rushing past near it... I wonder how our friend are doing under the ocean floor today and what wondrous tales our friend SpongeBob has planned for tod-oh wait... it's a computer screen inside a creepy area... huh, wrong universe... I did not expect to be in dis universe... never expected this kind of crossover either, oh well, I hope you enjoyed my time here for this is where I go now... back to my home I shall return.

Author: While this was an unexpected crossover, he did get us on track to our tale... now where were we? Oh right... *ahem*

The area that the laptop was founded was abandoned, the only source of light coming from the roof lights and monitors that were left online, that was until all the lights had shut off unexpectedly. A drone shudders in the office area, hiding from something. She peers out and sees a drone who is stuck buffering on his visor, lying there was a fearful expression. She looks around before crawling over to him, something taps its foot as it notices the drone. The beast chirps as the female drone looks over, only to see its tail leaving. A blue light flashes as she looks away, quickly trying to move the drones body on the floor, it makes too much noise and she quickly hides behind her office, hopping the beasts didn't hear her. After a few seconds, she goes back out only for the blue flash to appear and knock the body away and destroy it, killing the frozen drone. She quickly hides behind the wall of her officer, hoping it didn't see her. The beast then walks away as she covers her mouth to silence her breathing. Only for another blue light to shine on her, she tries to run away, only to be stuck frozen, the other beast then crawls over and from a security cameras perspective, we see the beast climb over the stall and maul the drone, while other drones lay idle suffering the same fate as the last two.
Resuming from the previous episode, the murder drones, Uzi, Tessa and Doll stand near each other

N: Tessa?

(Y/N): J?

Tessa: N, you remember...

Tessa starts coughing

Tessa: Tall, handsome. Airs toxic. (Y/N)!

Tessa hugged the hedgehog drone who looked shocked

(Y/N): T-Tessa? Is... is it really you?

Tessa: Of course it is! Oh I've missed you! Still not use to the voice box thing though...

(Y/N): Considering the first time you heard it I-

Tessa: Killed a bunch of posh people and my parents?  Yeah...

(Y/N): Tessa... I'm so sorry, I never wanted to do that.

Tessa: I know... I don't blame you at all for what happened.

(Y/N): I... it's been years since I've seen you... you've grown.

Tessa: *chuckles* The years tend to do that for you. I've missed you.

(Y/N): I've missed you too Tess.

Tessa: Well, I'm not the only one who's missed you.

Tessa moves aside and J flies over and hugs (Y/N) and takes him into the air

J: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey J, I've missed you!

J: I missed you too!

The duo share a laugh as they embrace each other before slowly landing to the ground, Uzi and V roll their eyes in annoyance wishing it was them instead

Tessa: Who is this little...

Uzi bites Tessa's finger

Uzi: Uzi. Why are you here, human?

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