|| book one of one ||
"i love you and i'm not gonna let him hurt you again!"
brooklynn was a kook who was in a very toxic relationship with none other than rafe cameron. she was completely brainwashed by the boy until a certain pogue came into the p...
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Brooklynn woke up, feeling very tired. She groggily rolled over, feeling a body next to her. Assuming it was JJ, Brooklynn snuggled in with the man.
"Mornin', baby," he said.
"Morning," Brooklynn yawned.
Brooklynn quickly realized that wasn't JJ's voice. JJ called her baby too, but JJ definitely didn't smell like rich boy cologne.
Brooklynn sat up and immediately reached for her phone.
"What's wrong, baby?" Rafe asked, sitting up next to her.
Brooklynn also suddenly came to realize that she didn't really like it when Rafe called her baby. When JJ said it, butterflies swarmed in her stomach. But when Rafe did it, she got slightly nauseous.
"Shit, it's 10," Brooklynn winced.
"So?" Rafe asked, lying back down.
"Rafe, we have to go get my car. I'm late for school," Brooklynn explained.
"Shitttt," Rafe dragged, groaning as he got out of bed.
Brooklynn and Rafe drove back to Pine Road to retrieve Brooklynn's BMW. Brooklynn hurriedly pulled on a pair of jean shorts she kept in her car for after surfing. Staying in Rafe's shirt, she drove to school.
Her Trigonometry teacher was less than thrilled to see Brooklynn entering her classroom so late. Many excuses later, Mrs Teep would not budge.
Brooklynn was given a detention during her lunch period. Regularly she'd be spending her lunch with Kiara, JJ and Pope, but not today.
On her way to the detention classroom, Brooklynn received a text from Pope telling her to meet the group in the library. She replied and told him she couldn't because she had detention.
For once, Pope claimed that detention didn't matter. So whatever it was that Pope needed, it must've been important enough for Brooklynn to blow detention.
So Brooklynn did as she was told and made her way to the library to meet Pope.
"Brook! Thank god!" Pope sighed in relief as soon as he saw her.
"What was so important that I had to miss detention?" Brooklynn asked her friends.
"Holy shit, you have detention?" Kiara asked.
"Yeah, I was late for trig," Brooklynn explained.
JJ quickly became concerned. Brooklynn was usually never late for anything. She never had detention a single day in her life.
"Why were you late?" JJ asked.
"No reason. It's really none of your business, JJ," Brooklynn quickly shrugged him off.