(Y/N) was laying down on top of a broken car as he stares into space and finds the Space Colony ARK, he scans it and sighs, ever since returning from camp and finding his creators journal he has been trying to find him and get answers from what he has read
V: Hey.
She walks up to (Y/N) who sighs
V: You alright?
(Y/N): Do you know anything about Gerald Robotnik?
V: You're creator? No sadly. All I know was he was related to Tessa.
(Y/N) sighed as he continued to gaze, V joins up with him and they stare into the sky
V: Remember when we did this so many years ago? Just you and me and J?
(Y/N): And... her.
V: (Y/N)... what she did to you... I'm sorry.
(Y/N) sighed and V looks worriedly at (Y/N), she feels something grab her hand and she looks down to see (Y/N) clutching it, she looks up and blushes
(Y/N): I-I never meant to do what I did back then... every time I remember it... the screams... what she did to me... *sighs* she's out there still V.
V looked at (Y/N) with an understanding face
V: I know... hopefully we never see her again.
(Y/N): I hope so...
The duo lay on top of the car in silence their hands interlocked
(Y/N): But yes... I do remember the good times with you both... those were my favourite times.
(Y/N) looks at her with a small smile and V smiles back, the duo stared into each others eyes and they slowly leaned in to each other only for a meteor shower to pass above, the duo stop and look at them
V: Woah... that's beautiful.
V stared at them with an amazed expression and (Y/N) smirks
(Y/N): Yeah you are....
V: What?
V looks at (Y/N) with a blush and (Y/N) blushes in embarrassment
(Y/N): I-I said they are.
V slightly chuckles at (Y/N), they go back to staring at the meteors that passed. N and Uzi then approached
N: Woah! Those are amazing!
N stares at them amazed and Uzi gets jealous at seeing (Y/N) and V so close together
(Y/N): I wish J and Tessa were still here to see this... they would've loved this.
(Y/N) sighs sadly as he remembers when he, N, V and J use to hang around back in the manor with Tessa, V grabs (Y/N)'s hand again and he looks at her
V: She would've loved it cause you were here... you made us happy back then... and you have continued to make us happy now.
(Y/N) smiled as Uzi grabbed his hand
Uzi: You guys may have been a scary threat back then... but we care for you now, you have us as your friends... you have me as your friend.
Uzi says with a blush as N walks up
N: And not to mention, we're a family, no matter what happens. J may have been hard on us, but I know she appreciated every moment with us.
(Y/N) smiled at their words
(Y/N): You guys are the best.
V: You made us like this, you helped bring us together... you brought the pieces together.
N: And you made each one of us matter. There's no one else on this planet that I would be happier to call my brother than you.
They continued to stare at the meteor shower as it passes over them, on a building nearby J watches them, overhearing their conversation, a small
Smile appears on her face hearing (Y/N) missed herTessa: J, we gotta go.
J: Just one more minute.
She stares down at the others remembering what life was like back at the mansion, all the times she spent with (Y/N) were her favourite, she smiles at this before looking at Tessa
J: Alright, let's go.
Tessa: Excellent, let's move off.
Tessa jumps off the roof and J goes to follow behind, she turns around and looks at (Y/N) one last time before smiling. She then jumps off and flies away into the night with Tessa in her arms
Down under with the gang, they continue to smile at the meteor shower, Uzi and V keeping their hands interlocked with (Y/N) as they continued to watch the showerUzi: *internal monologue* I can't deny it... I have grown a crush on him... I want to do everything in my power to keep him safe and keep him happy... I like- no, love him... he makes me happy... I want him to be happy anyway possible.
V: *internal monologue* (Y/N), I know our past isn't the greatest, but you always made it bearable, that's why me and J fell in love with you in the first place... I love you (Y/N) and I know J does too. I'll help you find out more about your creator because I want to...
N: *internal Monologue* Thank you for everything (Y/N)... you've been the greatest friend... no... brother I could ever ask for, I owe everything to you... thank you for making me smile everyday... thank you for being here... thank you for everything
(Y/N): *Internal Monologue* Thank you for everything guys... you're the bestest friends I could ever ask for. Even though J isn't here and can't hear this, I enjoyed the time we had together... after everything we have all been through... you guys were always by my side... I owe everything to you and I would sacrifice my life just for you guys... what happened to me in the past is in the past now... cause I have you all and that's all that matters to me... thank you for everything.
The four of them continue to watch the shower as it passes throughout the night, all of them having smiles on their faces

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us