402 Do You Have Nothing To Say?

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The capital city of the dragon realm couldn't be said to be small. In fact, the dragons tended to live close together so that most cities were bigger than what Jing He was used to from the Nine Heavens with only a few smaller towns scattered throughout the realm.

At the same time, even though he seldom let himself be seen, Qiu Ling was still considered a king close to his people, simply due to the fact that he marched out to battle together with the soldiers or even charged ahead, needing everyone else to rush after him for fear that something might happen to him. With such a king, the people felt seen and their worries heard. The latest project of integrating the half-bloods more into their population had also given him an even more personal appearance as someone who cared about those less fortunate.

As a result of these circumstances, it could be imagined how many people there were who wanted to congratulate their king and his new spouse on their wedding and wish them well for the future. Even with Jing He agreeing to stay in the square in front of the palace, instead of going to explore the city, they wouldn't even come close to receiving everyone. They could only hope to make a small dent in the number of people interested in giving gifts and then push the rest off until later.

While they were busy with that, the advisers quietly stood to the side. Each of them had taken up their own spot.

Qiang Wei and Yi Zan who had kept watch over Jing He's body during his trial stood with his family members since they were more familiar with them than the others. Bai Mu and Nie Huang also joined the group, as did Jinde and Leng Jin Yu, basically making this the gathering of the couple's family members.

The half-bloods naturally kept close to An Bai, keeping an anxious eye on the situation in the middle of the square after what he had said. Even though nobody had seemed hostile either to them or the king so far, they just couldn't shake the fear that had struck their hearts. None of them had mentioned it but they were all ready as soon as they saw anyone as much as look at their king oddly. They simply couldn't let him come to harm for their sake!

The generals had gathered around Fu Heng and Fu Min but this group couldn't be considered as harmonious as the others. The two advisers naturally didn't care and Fu Min was more interested in comparing their own short-notice wedding without even guests to the grand affair of their king's ceremony in two realms, making his husband show a thoughtful look.

Shou Quan who stood next to them with her wife listened but kept quiet for once. Anyway, while she couldn't compare to their king, she at least hadn't made such a poor effort for her wedding! Next to them, Chang Bo and his wife were busy wrangling their children who didn't seem to get that what was happening over there was a serious matter that shouldn't be disturbed. They definitely didn't have time to pay attention to other things.

The other generals quietly watched as all of this went on, some wondering if they were the odd ones for having any feelings about their king's earlier revelation. How could these people behave as usual, as if nothing had happened at all? Shouldn't you at least show some surprise?

The one who felt the worst seeing this was naturally General Min Jun. In his eyes, surprise alone wasn't enough. They had been betrayed, hadn't they? They had been lied to all these years. The one leading them was actually a demon in disguise. How could the others live with that?

He watched Adviser Fu Min happily talk about his own wedding and finally couldn't help but step up to his husband. Even if the others didn't understand, surely, Adviser Fu Heng should feel the same. "Adviser Fu Heng ... is there nothing you have to say?"

Fu Heng turned his head and looked at him quietly. He had never been one to make many words so even though he understood what General Min Jun meant, he didn't feel like he had much to say. Anyway, he had known before. It had been a bit of a shock at first but ... well, he didn't care all that much.

His husband had cared a lot more but not because he felt betrayed or had an issue with the fact that their king actually had demon blood. No, Fu Min was simply distraught that he hadn't caught onto it while Xiang Yong and An Bai had managed to do so. He had been lamenting for days whether he should actually be the one to gather information for them when clearly, he was able to overlook such a big thing.

Thinking back now, Fu Heng's lips twitched. Come to think of it, maybe their reactions were slightly odd. His husband's focus had definitely been off. The others had also been surprised but that was it. But maybe this was because they knew their king relatively well. As his advisers, even though he tended to run off whenever he could in recent years and had even been somewhat elusive during his early reign, they still saw him regularly and could speak to him.

The generals ... they couldn't necessarily say the same. Shou Quan might still have the opportunity since she lived in the capital city but the others were stationed in the different regions of the dragon realm and only rarely came to the capital city. At most, they saw the king on special occasions. Maybe that wasn't enough to understand him and ignore this new fact about him.

Thinking about it this way, Fu Heng figured that he couldn't expect too much at once. He glanced at the middle of the square where people were still giving gifts and at their king's smiling face as he looked at his husband, and then turned back to General Min Jun. "Like what?"

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