Chapter 1

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He had sworn to himself that he would never come back here. He was sitting a tree, cursing at himself as memories of the past flowed back into his mind.

It was almost a year ago, when Jack had first returned to her windowsill after he abruptly disappeared from her life a decade ago. He had waited there anxiously, feeling nervous as to how the redhead would react to his return. She was always so unpredictable, with her short temper and sudden change in action. Yet, he was overrun by the excitement of getting to see his best friend after so many years apart. So he simply waited for her return, keeping his eyes focused on the door in front of him.

And finally, after what had felt like hours, the door opened, revealing a stunning, lady with a bow slung around her shoulder. Jack felt his heart leap at the sight of the slender, yet muscular individual, completely captivated by her splendor. Her red, curly hair bounced wildly around her. And then he noticed her beautiful cyan eyes, the exact same eyes he had gazed into years before.

And without a word, he ran towards her with his arms wide open, ready to embrace her. And in that split second, Jack's smile flipped upside down, as he ran straight through her.

"Merida", he gasped in disbelief, "It's me, Jack! Merida, don't you remember me?" He asked her, only to receive no response. "Merida, please. Please tell me that you still believe in me", he continued desperately.

"Ugh, why is it so cold in here?" Merida mumbled to herself, walking towards the open window.

Jack took this chance to form a smiley face made of frost on her window. However, to Jack's dismay, she simply ignored the frost on the glass, closed the windows shut and left her room, leaving Jack alone once again.

Feeling his heart shatter, Jack fell onto his knees, holding his head in his hands, unable to comprehend the fact that his best friend no longer believed in his existence. And that was when he had vowed never to return to the palace ever again, in order to move on and forget, just as Merida obviously had.

He had kept his promise, up until that day. As he saw the sun rise, he could not shake the fact that that day was Merida's 18th birthday. He had wondered around aimlessly all morning, trying to push his thoughts away, but succumbed to his desire of meeting Merida on her important day.

Jack was at a war with himself. His heart told him to go find Merida, whereas his brain told him to leave right away, to spare himself the pain. As he was mulling over the next plan of action, he was distracted by a howl that seemed to be heading his way.

"Come on, Angus! Faster! I know you can do it buddy", he heard somebody yell with a heavy accent.

Wondering whom it was, he looked down, only to catch a glimpse of a fiery redhead zooming past his tree on a black horse. Without another thought, he felt himself lift up into the air, and chase the girl on the horse.

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