Chapter 3:My new life

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Today is my two year anniversary of being with the fire moon pack.I have been so happy with them Derek Damon Peter Linda and Axel and my whole pack I became 3rd in command I know I passed Peter and Damon they were such Dorks but I loved them.They were my new family every single one of them especially Axel we have been together for almost two years.He is so amazing he is the perfect boyfriend and it's messed up that we aren't mates I wish we were but if he found his I hope I would be stronger enough to let him go.

All 6 of us were die hard lacrosse fans we were going to play tomorrow we took our games very serious.I put my hair into a high ponytail and went downstairs.I woke up early today 3:00 I wanted to cook them breakfast.They have been begging me to cook my omelets again.So I did I made them extra cheesy just how they like it.I finished at 6:30 then I went walking by each one of the rooms with a plate of omelets then I quickly ran back downstairs.In our pack house the walls are made so someone scent doesn't pass through the drywall a,this is because when wolves go under heat,or when the alpha is mad.When we smell,we can smell regular things like bacon and oranges,but we can smell feelings too. And since everyone loves waking up smelling food,I'd skip down the hall so they could smell it All of them slowly came down one by one.I had cooked 15 omelets.They came down cheering we went to the dining table I put them in the middle of the table they were all excited.I saw Peter coming down with his hair messed up he had a light five o clock shadow he was turning into a handsome young man.Next Derek he always wore regular clothes no matter the occasion I think I've seen him dress in a tux was once,but. Think that was a weird dream.Derek was like Damon and Peters big brother kinda like Willis was a brother to me and James but Peter and Damon were nice to each other.Then came Linda she came straight out of bed yet she looked like a model,she told me one night that if she wasn't a wolf,she'd be a model.Next was Damon his hair wasn't messy he was dressed regularly,Derek's little prodigy

Finally came Axel his hair was messy he had his same pajama pants on and a tight tank on displaying his muscles perfectly.I could stare at him all day.he came downstairs with a huge smile on his face and came down and gave me a kiss on my cheek.His kisses could linger on my lips for hours I don't know what people were talking about when your rejected it hurts.Axel must have been the cure he was there for me I think I love him.In my rejection I have been plagued with sadness but I have grown to fall for him.

"Well everyone I would like to announce that today is Holly's two year anniversary since she came to our pack"Axel announced.They started to cheer I let a smiled form at the corner at my mouth.He smiled and gave me a kiss in my cheek and sat next to me.

"So when are we leaving"Peter shouted.Damon nudged Peter's arm.Peter didn't mind he was more focused on the food.

"Leaving"I asked Axel

"I meant to talk to you about at the moment their are too many rouges in the area so we are going to live with another pack for a while"he said rubbing his neck.He looked like he was lying or there was more he wasn't telling me.

"What pack are we joining"I asked With a smile.I didn't care I was I would be fine as long as I was with My family

"It the -"Axel trailed off

"THE BLUE MOON PACK"Peter shouted with food in his mouth like he wasn't paying attention to the conversation anymore.I felt my heart drop literally

"I know it's th-"Axel was interrupted by me

"The pack that messed with me who rejected me"I said furiously.I threw my napkin down and ran upstairs.I felt footsteps behind me.I ran to my room and slammed my door.I heard it open.

"Holland"Axel said coming closer

"What"I snapped

"it will be fine it's only temporary I promise we have eachother we will be fine"he said sitting by me

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