Chapter 5: Sorry, It's Canon Now

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You were on your way to school with Blair following you. You seemed to feel better than last night.

Ddraig: How do you feel partner?

Y/N: I feel better. I guess those daily affirmations do help.



Ddraig: Yeah. Just keep at it. You can't soar to the heavens if you won't jump off the ground.

Y/N: That's actually very good. Ddraig, the wise dragon.

Ddraig: (Stroking imaginary goatee) Why thank you.

Blair: Meow!

Y/N: No one Blair. I'm just crazy. Look there's my school.

You point ahead and you walk to the gate to see Sona and Tsubaki.

Y/N: Good morning Prez. Tsubaki. This is my cat, Blair. Say hi Blair.

Blair: Meow.

Sona: Aw! Well, aren't you just the cutest cat.

Sona crouches down and pets her.

Sona: !

Sona looks at Blair who looks
Innocent. Sona can however feel the large mana around Blair.

Sona: Issei, make sure she doesn't act out or be a disruption.

Y/N: Don't worry. She's a good girl.

You and Blair walk into the school and Tsubaki looks at Sona.

Tsubaki: What's wrong?

Sona: That cat is powerful. Like, absurdly powerful.

Tsubaki: How powerful?

Sona: I don't know. But she has a lot of mana. I guess Issei is a magnet for all kinds of supernatural beings.

Tsubaki: I guess.

Sona: Her fur was really soft too.

Tsubaki: Really? Now I wish I petted her!

Inside the school you and Blair were walking down the halls as everyone stared in awe at the cat as Allison walks by.

Y/N: Hey Allison!

Allison: Shut up.

Y/N: Fine! Looks like you don't get to pet Blair.

Allison: Who?

She looks down to see Blair the cat and she gushes.

Allison: Kitty!

She crouches down and goes to pet her but she jumps up and climbs onto your shoulder.

Allison: What?!

Y/N: Like I said. No petting Blair.

Allison: But Kitty!

Y/N: I'm sorry. But we're standing firm.

Allison: Please 🥺?

Y/N: Blair. Do it.

Blair: Meow?

Y/N: Yeah. It's hard to resist her puppy dog eyes.

Blair: Meow.

Blair brings her head forward and Allison pets her with a happy expression.

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