"Yeah. Ok who's next?" Everyone hid with a shiver. "No one?" Kari blinked and shrugged. Raimundo looked at the rest of the group then to Kari, it was only training so it's not like he actually wanted to hurt her. Raimundo made up his mind and stepped forward thinking he'll still most likely lose to Kari, but it's worth a shot.

"I'll face you next." Raimundo said with a smile. Kari looked at Raimundo and then took a stance.

"Kay, ready when you are." She called out, her symbols glowing. Raimundo ran head on and as he got to close range he clapped his hands together making a wind current to blast Kari back.

Kari formed a barrier and skid back a bit. "SEISMIC KICK!!!" Kari called and Kicked Raimundo in the stomach. She smirked and rushed for another attack, beginning to glow brightly. Raimundo hunched over from the blow to his stomach in pain. She then went for a punch to the head but stopped, seeing that he was done. Her body stopped glowing to show a zig zagging black line going through her left eye.

"And... What just happened?" Kari blinked and took a few steps back with a sigh, scratching her head. "Why the hell am I so small?" Master Fung blinked and Omi walked up to Kari.

"Kari are you ok?" He asked, being cautious.

"Who? Oh, you mean me? Sorry kid but I'm not Kari... Well, I think I'm in her body, but I'm not. The name's Raiza, Raiza the deranged I was called back in my day." Kari smirked, an evil glint in her eyes. Dojo looked up to Master Fung concerned.

"What do we do, also another thing I was thinking about is if Kari is able to do this, than there is a good chance Kaiser is capable of the same thing." Dojo said pulling his ears down in panic. Raimundo looked up still in a little pain, but stood back up.

"Great it's happening again." Raimundo cursed under his breath so no one could hear him talk. Clay and the rest of the group were completely confused, what just happened to their friend Kari. Master Fung gulped.

"Raiza, you mean Raiza killer of many? Slayer of villages?" He asked and Kari nodded.

"Who else?" She huffed. "But I'm just happy I'm out here for a while. Nothin much has been goin on the past century or so. I sensed a fight goin on and jumped at it... Didn't know my descendant was so... Small, how old is she now? Ten? Nine?"


"Damn she's small!" Kari's body punched herself. "THE FUCK?!" "HEY!!! I'M NOT SHORT YOU HAG!!" Kari's growled.

"What is going on?!" Kimiko yelled out in confusion. Dojo looked to Master Fung to see if they should explain what was happening before them.

"Both dragons are able to contact their ancestors. Once they are more skilled they can do it at will. I was amazed the first time this happened, since Kari is so young." Master Fung explained. Clay nodded in understanding as everyone else did as well except for Raimundo since he already knew what was going on. Raimundo was surprised since last time Kari didn't say anything or even remember anything that happened during that time.

"Grr! The hell is wrong with you Kari! You are supposed to be suppressed or whatever!" "Shut it! Get out now!! I have a BAD feeling about you!! GET OUT NOW!!!" Kari roared and Raiza gulped. "Whatever you little brat! Geez, I was just having fun! You should respect your elders!" "DON'T PULL THAT SHIT WITH ME!!!" With that the mark that went through Kari's eye vanished. Kari looked at everyone. "Why is everyone looking at me like that?" She asked, her stage two form affecting her memory slightly. Raimundo raised an eyebrow, he just shook his head to "I'm not even gonna ask." Raimundo thought to himself as he spoke out.

"Nothing Kari, they were just a bit surprised at how hard you kicked me is all." Raimundo lightly laughed at his own pain.

"Ok..." Kari frowned and held her hands out, healing him. "Sorry... Didn't mean to be so hard." She apologized. Raimundo waved his hands back and forth frantically.

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