Chapter 8

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That night I had another nightmare. I was running away from something. It was dark black, about three blocks tall. It had intense puple eyes... Eyes! Last night's dream finally made sense. When I got up, I put all the pieces together. Herobrine was trying to kill all the Minecraftian using these purple eyed creatures. I needed to find the others quick before he succeded. I still didn't know if I was close or not, but I knew I would find them. Speaking of Minecraftians, what would the others think of Tim. I wasn't sure. What if they tried to kill him! No... I won't think that way. If they get scared, I will just tell them the truth. Tim wasn't such a bad guy. He was just like any of us, but he was stuck in a creeper body. I don't want to see him get murdered.

Tim woke up and saw me staring at the ceiling. 

"Morning." He said groggily

"Morning." I replied.

"Can I have an apple?" He asked.

"Sure." I said as I grabbed an apple from my bag and threw it at him.

"I'm going mining." I told him as I got up and stretched.

"Ok. I'm just going to hang back here if that's Ok with you." He said

"Ya, that's fine."

I grabbed my picks, torches, and the sword I crafted from the first few days. I didn't know why, but I thought I might need it. 

I walked out and dug down to the place we found the diamonds, hoping to find more. I found three iron ore and two gold. As I was mining the gold I felt eyes on my back. I turned slowly and silently dropping my pick and grabbing my sword off my back. 

"Wait no!" A voice yelled. It wasn't Tim's so I turned around quickly from curiosity. There was a man standing there with a blue spaceman's outfit. The front head part was yellow.

"Hello, I'm Jason, but you can call me Minecraft Universe, or TrueMu." Jason said while putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Steve... Nice to meet you." I replied.

"It's really nice to see another Minecraftian. I've been on my own for the whole time. Did you meet anybody else." A bead of sweat trickled down my face. It was tell the truth and risk losing Tim or lying and keep Tim a secret.

"Umm, I have been...b-by myself" I said unconvincingly.

"You sure? You don't look like you're telling the truth." 

"Ya I'm sure. How did you find me?"

"Oh. I saw a mysterious looking black figure walk into here. It was about three blocks tall." He said

A tall black figure? Wait a tall black figure! The one from my nightmare!

"Oh my gosh." I gasped. Did Herobrine send it to kill me? As I was thinking this, a sound of static filled my ears. I wanted to lay down and cover my ears then, but I grabbed my sword and turned. Facing me was the black figure with the eyes. I swung my sword at it and it screamed and disappeared. 

"AAHH!!!" TruMu cried, the figure was right next to him. I ran to him, jumped and brought my sword down on it's head. When I killed it, it dropped threee dark blue pearls. I picked them up and put them in my inventory.

"What was that?" TruMu asked.

"I'm not sure." I replied.

"Do you have a base so we can get our stuff organized?" 

"Uhh...No, I just came down here. I have no base." I lied terribly again.

"Oh. We should build one."

"Oh ok, just give me a second to mine more" I said, planning to tell Tim.

I ran to the base hoping TruMu wouldn't follow me. Luckily he didn't.

"Hey Tim! There's a Minecraftian here! His name is Jason!" I yelled

"Oh really... That's cool." He replied, his frowning face looking more genuine.

"Ya... but I want you to follow us. Just don't let him see you. Here's some food to last you a week's journey." I told him while getting him ten apples

"Oh, ok... Thank you. I'll leave a few minutes after you do." He said excitedly, but still frowning

"Ok, and remember, don't let him see you." I repeated to make sure."I grabbed my stuff out of the base and walked out waving to Tim. In response, he waved his body back and forth. I smiled and walked out to find TruMu. I was happy even though Herobrine sent one of the tall beings to kill me. I wasn't sure why. I guess it was because I felt proud of protecting TruMu, Tim, and I.


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