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Allison and Issei are seen practicing Archery.

Allison: Good. Now focus.

Issei: Focus...

Issei fires a shot and is two circles below the bullseye.

Issei: Darn.

Allison: Hey, it's fine. You did better than last time. Just keep practicing.

Issei nods and pulls out the arrow and his stomach growls.

Allison: I guess that's enough training for today. Let's eat.

Issei nods and they sit down and eat the food he made.

Issei: How is it?

Allison: Good. Have you been bullied recently?

Issei: No. The guys who beat me up most of the time were found dead in the woods as animals were eating their bodies. That's scary.

Allison: How? Those foolish men died and now you aren't going to be bothered by them.

Issei: Well, the news said that it's because this must mean that animals are getting closer. I don't want my friends and family to get attacked.

Allison: Oh, well, don't worry. I'm sure that won't happen.

Issei: Maybe.

They sit in silence and eat before Issei speaks up.

Issei: Why do you hang out with me?

Allison: What?

Issei: I haven't asked because your the first friend I've had that doesn't begin a conversation with something related to boobs or peeping. But you have a whole reputation at school for hating men. So how come you haven't told me that we couldn't be friends when I asked?

Allison: You're different.

Issei: What?

Allison: I believe that men are all the same. No matter who they are. I believed that men would just hurt you. Whether they make you believe that you can trust them or they are open about who they really are, they will hurt you. It happened to me once. Worst breakup of my life. So, I hated men for that. But you, you seemed different. You didn't seem like you would hurt me. Hell, you looked like you couldn't even hit a fly.

Issei: Hurtful.

Allison: It's what I thought. And sure when I helped you I was just being nice. Any person would help. That was suppose to be it but, you came to me with that bento box. And you kept making me meals every day. I guess I felt myself getting attached to you even when I didn't want to. You haven't tried to make a move on me or hurt me in anyway.

Issei: Why would I? You're cool.

Allison: What?

Issei: You're cool. You have this cool aura about you commanding respect, you're an amazing archer, and you even help others. You're super cool!

Allison: Pfft.

Allison starts laughing and wipes a tear from her eye.

Allison: You're are a different man Issei. That's what I like about you. You're different from the others. I trust you more than I trust any other man on this planet.

Issei: That's the nicest compliment you've given me.

Allison: Well cherish it.

Issei: I will!


We see Allison walking through the halls wondering where Issei is.

Allison: Normally we pass by each other here. What happened?

Reborn Issei (DXD Harem x Reincarnated Issei Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now