11. Okay, Miss Girl

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~••♡•▪| KORI NOVIKOV |▪︎•♡••~

Ares insisted that I spend the night. This was the start of us.

"I have to go to work," I said to him as we sat in his living room watching cartoons.

"I told your boss, that you're not going to be on for a week,"

"But the money, Ares,"

"Because I'm the reason you're not going to work. I'll give you the money," he spoke.

I think this was what had been missing from my life these last six years.


Someone to talk to about silly things. It was safe to say that I was comfortable. Ares looked at me, cradling my face in his palm. His thumb tracing over the bruise below my eye.

"I'm really sorry for how I've treated you," he whispered with utmost sincerity in his voice. I believed him.

"It's okay, we're past that now,"

"I will do everything in my power to make it up to you. No one should ever treat you so poorly,"

Ares and I fell into a comfortable silence before a yawned escaped me. He didn't notice. I wrapped the blanket around me further, finding myself snuggling into the Ares's side. He didn't seem the mind and Welcomed my body against his.

When I woke up, I found myself in his room but no sight of Ares. I checked my phone that he had placed on the bedside table.


My usual work time and my body was so used to waking up at this time, my sleep naturally broke. I got out of bed and wrapped the fluffy blanket around me before tiptoeing out of the room. I made my way downstairs and found Ares asleep on the couch.

Hmm , he must've carried me to the room.
I walked closer to him and knelt beside him, admiring his beautiful features. He opened his eyes and startled me.

He chuckled at the look on my face and rubbed his eyes, sitting up. The blanket had slid off of him and he was only wearing a pair of boxers. My eyes were instantly drawn to his tattoos and the muscles they accentuated.

Ares's body was truly a work of art.

He had the torso and back of a Greek God, chiseled and smooth. My mouth went dry and I gulped.

My eyes roamed over the intricate ink designs that were on his upper torso, and his arms.

"I'm a light sleeper, Angel,"

"You scared me," I clutched my chest.

"Your eyes fucking my body,"

"You're so...," I gestured at his body, "muscly,"

"Oh, I'm muscly?" He mocked, laughing.

"Shut up," I laughed.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, immediately
sitting up. The blanket had fallen off him completely. My eyes wandered down to his boxers.

He was hard. And uh - big.

I immediately turned around and covered my face.

"Why are you turned around?" Ares chuckled.



"I was going to say...hard," I blushed.

Kori Novikov | 18+Where stories live. Discover now