chapter 29

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Izzy POV

Today is the day we go back to magcon. I'm super excited since I miss the rest of the guys a lot.

"Izzy come on your going to get us late!!" Nash yelled from downstairs.

I looked at my self in the mirror one last time and grabbed my begs then headed downstairs.

"About time" Johnson said.

"Hush" I replied before opening the door.

"Were going to Dallas and then La" Sam said.


Sammy came over next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Don't let go till we sit on the plane" he said.

I felt a flash of red come on my cheeks.

We put our suitcases in the trunk and got in the car.

This is gonna be one long day

Hey guys!!

Yes I know this chapter is super short but I'm reallyyyyyy sorry!!

I promise you the next two chapters will be longer.

I love you guys!!

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