Uzi: So far all I've heard is the girls being a simp for you and you getting bullied by that asshole, is there anything exciting?
(Y/N): Not much exciting happened as my time as a servant to the Elliot's, except for that day...
N and V looked down in shame as Uzi looks confused
Uzi:... what day?
(Y/N): A story for another time.
Uzi groans annoyed wanting to hear the story
(Y/N): But there is more to my past if you wish to hear.
Uzi leans forward and smiles
Uzi: Tell me.
Tessa rushes into her room where the other were working, she squeals in pure excitement as everyone looks at her with a confused expression, Tessa then jumped onto her bed muffling herself, the four drones looked at each other before looking at TessaJ: Tessa, what's with the loud expression?
Tessa: Guys! You won't believe it, I got invited to my parents Gala!
N: That's awesome!... what's a Gala?
J groans at N while V and (Y/N) look intrigued
Tessa: Only one of the biggest party's my parents have every year. I never get invited to them cause I'm quote on quote "immature and improper"
They hear humming from above and they see Cyn who sits on the roof humming with a smile, Tessa frowns and so does J, V looks confused how she got up there while N and (Y/N) have a happy expression
Tessa: Cyn, what are you doing?
Cyn: Giggle, I wanted to see you guys, I was bored. Bored expression. Hey, (Y/N)~
J glares at Cyn clearing noticing her crush on the hedgehog drone
Tessa: Cyn, get down from there now.
Cyn falls down face first on her visor, V and N scream as J and Tessa roll their eyes, knowing she was fine, (Y/N) panicked and rushed over to her and picked her up, Cyn's visor was cracked for a few moments before fixing itself
Cyn: Oh, my hero is here, how can I repay you?~
(Y/N) shrugged
Tessa: Cyn, what compelled you to be up there?
Cyn: I wanted to be Batman. Smiley face
Tessa rolled her eyes as (Y/N) placed her down
N: Are you okay, Cyn?
Cyn: I am when I'm with (Y/N)~
(Y/N) blushes as J groans annoyed while V looks away nervously
Tessa: Why are these female drones hitting on (Y/N) so much?
(Y/N) looked at her with a confused look
Tessa: Don't think about it much (Y/N), it's a phase, they'll get out of it one day.
Uzi: Spoiler, they don't.
(Y/N): Hey, who's telling this story? Me or you?
Uzi: Continue.
N: So Tessa, when's this Gala meant to happen?
Tessa: In a few months, which means I gotta get prepared! J you wanna help me?
J: I would love to help, Tessa.
J and Tessa leave the room and walk off to who knows where, the others stand around each other

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us