A Hedgehogs Past: Part 2

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Uzi: So far all I've heard is the girls being a simp for you and you getting bullied by that asshole, is there anything exciting?

(Y/N): Not much exciting happened as my time as a servant to the Elliot's, except for that day...

N and V looked down in shame as Uzi looks confused

Uzi:... what day?

(Y/N): A story for another time.

Uzi groans annoyed wanting to hear the story

(Y/N): But there is more to my past if you wish to hear.

Uzi leans forward and smiles

Uzi: Tell me.
Tessa rushes into her room where the other were working, she squeals in pure excitement as everyone looks at her with a confused expression, Tessa then jumped onto her bed muffling herself, the four drones looked at each other before looking at Tessa

J: Tessa, what's with the loud expression?

Tessa: Guys! You won't believe it, I got invited to my parents Gala!

N: That's awesome!... what's a Gala?

J groans at N while V and (Y/N) look intrigued

Tessa: Only one of the biggest party's my parents have every year. I never get invited to them cause I'm quote on quote "immature and improper"

They hear humming from above and they see Cyn who sits on the roof humming with a smile, Tessa frowns and so does J, V looks confused how she got up there while N and (Y/N) have a happy expression

Tessa: Cyn, what are you doing?

Cyn: Giggle, I wanted to see you guys, I was bored. Bored expression. Hey, (Y/N)~

J glares at Cyn clearing noticing her crush on the hedgehog drone

Tessa: Cyn, get down from there now.

Cyn falls down face first on her visor, V and N scream as J and Tessa roll their eyes, knowing she was fine, (Y/N) panicked and rushed over to her and picked her up, Cyn's visor was cracked for a few moments before fixing itself

Cyn: Oh, my hero is here, how can I repay you?~

(Y/N) shrugged

Tessa: Cyn, what compelled you to be up there?

Cyn: I wanted to be Batman. Smiley face

Tessa rolled her eyes as (Y/N) placed her down

N: Are you okay, Cyn?

Cyn: I am when I'm with (Y/N)~

(Y/N) blushes as J groans annoyed while V looks away nervously

Tessa: Why are these female drones hitting on (Y/N) so much?

(Y/N) looked at her with a confused look

Tessa: Don't think about it much (Y/N), it's a phase, they'll get out of it one day.

Uzi: Spoiler, they don't.

(Y/N): Hey, who's telling this story? Me or you?

Uzi: Continue.

N: So Tessa, when's this Gala meant to happen?

Tessa: In a few months, which means I gotta get prepared! J you wanna help me?

J: I would love to help, Tessa.

J and Tessa leave the room and walk off to who knows where, the others stand around each other

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