A week has passed since you were put into Isseis body and you have been training nonstop. Everyday you set two alarms, one for early so you can do your workout, another for getting ready for school. You have also been practicing martial arts, you've learned Karate, Muay Thai, and taekwondo. You haven't mastered them but it's getting there. You also have been circling your mana all the time. While you eat, workout, study, shower, and you're trying to do it while you sleep. To help you've been using Total Concentration Breathing Constant to focus more.
Y/N: Okay, now I think I should get a little bit more ambitious. Let's try Aura. But how?
You scratch your head while sitting in a meditative pose and get an idea.
Y/N: The Archery Club! They let people try out their bows all the time even if you aren't a part of the club. I can try that and try to channel my aura.
You get up and go into your backyard.
Y/N: I need to feel the heat waves around me and focus.
You close your eyes as you feel the air and atmosphere around you. You take deep breaths before feeling a new energy swirling around your body.
Y/N: Focus!
There is an orange aura around your body and you smile.
Y/N: So this is Aura. Awesome! Let's try it- wait! Archery club, after school. Let's go!
You hurry back inside and a white haired girl is in a tree watching.
???: Did he unlocked Senjutsu? No, that felt different, what is that? I need to inform Rias, and his Mana pool is higher. And his core...
The girl disappears as you hurry to school. Once there you greet Sona and Tsubaki as per usual.
Y/N: Morning Prez! Vice Prez!
Sona: Stop Hyoudou.
You stop and look at her.
Y/N: What is it? I need to get to class. I'm not trying to be late.
Sona smiles at your words.
Sona: It's nice to see you taking your education seriously. But I wanted to know if you had some time later today to come to the student council office?
Y/N: Can't. I'm going to try and use a bow and arrow for the first time in my life at the archery club after school.
This shocked them as they didn't know you applied for a club.
Tsubaki: I didn't know you signed up for a club.
Y/N: Oh, no. I'm not joining the club. Just trying out a bow and arrow. Wanna try something.
Sona: I see. Okay. How about during lunch you come to the office.
Y/N: Sure! I gotta go now! Bye!
You dash away and Sona smiles.
Tsubaki: Is that a smile I see?
Sona: Yes. He's shown he's clearly changed throughout the week. Plus his mana pool has gotten bigger, and there's this new aura about him.
Tsubaki: He's certainly full of surprises. Didn't think he would capture your attention this much.
Sona: If you told me a month ago, I would've called you a liar or said your not funny. But here we are.
Inside the school you hurry to class and bump into a female Student with long platinum colored hair and amber eyes.
Y/N: Sorry!
??? 2: Watch where you're going to filthy man!
Y/N: Whoa! I'm sorry! Don't bite my head off. *Chuckles* Hope you have a good day!

Reborn Issei (DXD Harem x Reincarnated Issei Male Reader)
ActionYou died and God said you get to be sent into the DXD world as Issei. Now as Issei you will become the strongest there is with your knowledge of the world and fighting styles from other anime you will be unstoppable.