V, N and Uzi sit around the Murder Drones base, V tests out her machine gun while N reads a book about puppies and Uzi lays bored
N: OH! And look, it's said that they wag their tails when they get excited or happy! Oh I just love dogs! I wish I could've pet one!
V: ugh! How long are you gonna read that stupid book?
N: *Gasps* It's not stupid! It's artistic!
V: I think the word you're looking for is stupid.
Uzi: Ugh, you both bicker like kids. When's (Y/N) coming back?
V: I don't know, soon I guess, can't wait to spend to with him, I just love him so much.
Uzi glared at V jealous, growing a slight crush on the Hedgehog
Uzi: And what makes you think he likes you like that?
V: Uh, why wouldn't he? We are closer than anything in this world. Besides, I've made it obvious his mine
N: Didn't J also say that?
V: Shut it N!
N went back to his book as (Y/N) entered
(Y/N): What's with the yelling?
V: Oh, nothing dear, just talking... about you~
(Y/N):... I never understood how you and J grew feelings for me, considering I never spoke to you both.
N: Oh yeah! That's right, your voice box didn't work at the time. Totally forgot about that
Uzi: Woah, woah, woah, you're telling me (Y/N) couldn't speak at one point?
N: Oh yeah, something about his voice box being incomplete or damaged or something, I don't know, he communicated through buzzing.
V: That's why I fell in love with you.
Uzi: Okay, I gotta hear how this happened and I gotta hear everything
(Y/N): You sure? It's a long tale.
Uzi: My schedules clear, let me have it.
(Y/N): Alright, buckle down Uzi, this is my story....
Years ago...Rain pours down from the ground as a girl and a older man walk around talking
???: I'm sorry about being you out here my dear niece, but I had to give you this before I left.
???: It's fine uncle, I'm just excited what you got me.
????: Ho ho, I love your cheery personality, better than my brothers.
????: Yeah, dad can be—
????: Strict? Cruel? Very demanding?
???:... yeah, that sums it up pretty well.
???: Yes, it's unfortunate how James became this, he was always blinded by greed. His lust for wealth and his image
The duo walked to a door
???: I never understood how you both were related.
????: I ask myself that same question everyday. Anyways...
The man uses an ID badge to open the doors which inside revealed a pod where something laid inside
???: Woah... what is this uncle?
???: That, my dear niece is my present to you.
???: What is it?
???: one of my most perfect creations to ever exist, he isn't ready to leave yet, but by the time I finish him, I shall be sadly gone.

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us