Just then the door bell rings. I walk out of my bathroom and down the stairs glancing at my reflection in the mirror as I exit. I can hear my mum loudly greeting The Moores downstairs. I continue walking down my shoes clapping beneath me on every step. My breath hitches in my throat at the idea of having to pretend that Luke isn't my boyfriend. This is going to be hard.  
"Ahh Ella there you are." My mum greets as soon as I'm visible round the corner. "This is Daniel and Anna Moore." Mum gestures at two older people. Anna has blonde hair exactly like Luke's, while Daniel has black hair and a tired glint in his eye. "This is my daughter Ella." I smile at both of them, i smooth my hair over my shoulders again before speaking.

"Nice to meet you." I say shaking both of their hands. Daniels skin is rough and hard against my small hand.

"And you." He says loudly.

"Ella can you please go and help Luke bring in some plans." Mum asks me over her shoulder leading Anna and Daniel into the dining room. I nod and smile reassuringly. Turning round I see Luke hunched over juggling different folders. I laugh at him. Strutting outside he looks up at me an embarrassed look on his face. I can't help myself but to laugh again. His eyes are scouting my body, a hungry glint in his eye. I smirk and tame my walk so that it's more seductive.

"Would you like some help dear." I ask placing my hands on his shoulders and massaging them. I still have to reach up even in my killer heels.

"Oh look at us. Calling each other dear like an old married couple."

"Don't be sarcastic with me. I could leave you out here and lock the door." I playfully turn around but he catches my wrist and spins me around. Big a good idea in my death trap shoes.

"I'm sorry Mum. And for the record I was acting." I raise an eyebrow at him. He emphasises on the mum to tease me. Oh please how old are we?

"Really? You were pretending to drop all of the folders, to gain attention. That sweetheart is called attention seeking." I smirk at him. His eyes travel to my chest again. I feel like telling him that my eyes are up here, but I decide against it not wanting to be too mean too quickly.

"If I hadn't of gained your attention I wouldn't be able to do this." He pushes me against his bike and puts his mouth on mine. His lips are soft but hungry. His arms act as a cage trapping me between him and the bike. I kiss him back, trying to take control. I run my hands up and down his arms. He nips on my lower lip asking for entrance. I refuse, moving my palms to his chest and trying to push him away from me. He growls. I push harder, trying to turn my head away. Eventually his lips lift off mine but only to move to my jaw. He leaves a trail of fiery kisses towards my ear.

"Luke stop!" I whine. "Your mum and dad are just behind that door. I don't want the first conversation I have with them to be about how long we've been dating secretly. Not the right impression Luke." He Pulls back dropping his arms and stepping back. He has a hurt look In his eye. "Baby." I say stepping forward and sliding my hands around his waist. "I want to continue I do, just not when I haven't told my mum and brother yet, it's not fair on them." He sighs, wrapping his arms around me. He's my safe place. As long as he loves me I will be fine.

"He's not my dad." I tilt my head up to give him a questioning look. "He's my stepdad he took the name Moore so that my mum didn't change hers." Of course. His dad died, well that's what Kyle said anyway.

"I'm sorry." I whisper reaching up to kiss his cheek.

"How would you have known?" He shrugs. My face flushes red. He gives me a look.

"Kyle told me." I whisper.

"When?" He releases his hold so that he can see my face.

"On the night we... We..." I can't find the right words. He seems to understand looping his arms around me again. I nuzzle into his chest.

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