Prom 3071 was what the balloons read as the light of the school turn off. In the halls, a cut to missing posters is shown as a female drone pants as she runs away. crashing into the wall she stops as a red beam from the absolute solver stops her, she takes off her broken glasses and her vision gets blurry, someone appeared at the end of the hallway before quickly disappearing, she puts on her glasses again only to see no one. The camera on the other hand, no longer worked. The female drone looked down the hall and saw Doll standing there. She summoned her solver and rips the females arm off, causing her to scream in agony, Doll then approached, summoning a knife, she multiples it before throwing it at the drone. Killing her.
Robot cockroaches eat some oil that was on the floor. Doll entered and squashed one of the cockroaches with her feet. She then grabbed a piece of paper which read "PROM QUEEN" ahead of her crosses another name off, leaving no one's left, her bag leaks oilDoll: Мам, пап, я вернулась. (I'm back, Mom, Dad)
She looked at the deceased corpse of her parents
Uzi: What... are you things?Uzi is revealed to be sleeping before awaking, she stares up at the ceiling, she looks at the picture N drew with (Y/N) doing a little anime pose, in N's writing it reads "Thank you for being my friend" (Y/N)'s wrote "There's no one I would rather call my friend than you" Uzi then groans through the entire day, at Uzis locker, she stands on her books as Rebecca walks past and kicks them
Rebecca: Yeah- Meeting Brad in an hour.
Uzi angrily throws her book at them
Rebecca: Can you imagine going to prom alone?
Braiden walks out, his head still on fire, the book Uzi throws hits him and sends him back into the classroom he came from
Male Worker Drone: Hah. I'd be like, I don't deserve happiness.
Uzi glares at them as they kept walking, she then sighs before grabbing her book, she then looked up and saw the missing posters, Uzi looked around and noticed the Janitor cleaning oil and the camera still affected by Dolls solver. Uzi then began cackling as she takes the missing posters to her room only to find the other images missing
Khan is then revealed to be holding those missing papers as he puts them in a room before closing it, a sign reading "Noris kooky insane stuff" Khan leaves before whistling only to find Uzi who was not pleasant
Uzi: My crazed ramblings! Stay out of my frickin' room!
Khan: Personal space for very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under a...
Khan pulls out a manual
Khan: Non-optional family support structure.
Uzi: *growls* I'm sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds, okay?! You were never there for me. If you wanna help now, stay distant.
Khan looks down sadly as Uzi sighs
Uzi: I'm going to talk to N and (Y/N).
She almost trips over a skeleton wearing a black dress
Uzi: W-Whaaaaat is this?
Khan: Prom dress; child's small. You're grounded from seeing those bad-influencey murder drones and hedgehog.
Uzi: Uh?
Khan: But I talked to your teacher to find you classmates to go with tonight!
Uzi: Uh?
Khan opens the door which revealed Lizzy and Doll
Lizzy: Sup freak? Prepare to be popular.
Doll waved as Khan came back with a bow tie

Murder Drones: The Ultimate Lifeform (Male Metal Sonic Reader)
ActionYou were created to kill, created to destroy the worker drones, you were created to be the Ultimate life form, the true embodiment of fear, don't fail us