Episode 2: Heartbeat

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Outside, thunder rumbles and insects chirp outside

James: We've got to curb her trips to the dump.

We now see N in a butlers outfit stand infront of front of a shadow man know as James Elliot

We now see N in a butlers outfit stand infront of front of a shadow man know as James Elliot

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James: And where is she getting the hair to play dress-up with them? Creepy.

He throws a wine glass at N who catches it with other glasses, he then leaves and walks around the manor, he looks outside to see the stormy weather, as he keeps walking he bumps into V in a maid dress with glasses

N: Oh! I-I'm so sorry—

V: It's okay. I-I wasn't looking.

As they both go to grab the dishes, their hands interact and a spark goes between them. They both blush from this, J then kicked N aside

J: Move it, moro— Hiiiii, Tessa! Oh, no. Two more?

The two robots showed themselves, a smaller drone with long hair and a familiar Blue Robot hedgehog with green eyes instead of red wearing a tuxedo

N looks at the hedgehog who looks confused by titling its head, J squealed

J: Oh my gosh! He's so cute!

V and N looked confused at J never seeing this reaction come out of her before, she clings onto the hedgehog who shakes panicked at the interaction, N stares at the hedgehog and saw his eyes flicker to his red ones while J keeps hugging him possessively
N then wakes up as he sleeps like a bat, he falls down and crashes into the snow

(Y/N): Oh hey, you're finally awake.

N looks at (Y/N) who holds a mug

N: (Y/N)? What are you doing out there here, and why do you have a mug?

(Y/N) looked at it before tossing it over his shoulder

(Y/N): I don't know, I thought I made me look important.

Uzi: *offscreen* N, (Y/N), I found something in here!

Inside the pod Uzi holds onto a badge, she looks at the mirror as he eye becomes the absolute solver, it cracks the mirror, V who is chained up to a chair blowing bubbles looks at her

V: That's weird and concerning

Uzi: Bite me. This is probably you weirdos fault.

V: I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?

N and (Y/N) climb down the ladder

N: What'd you find?

Uzi slaps the badge on N

Uzi: Did you know that was a pilot hat?

N: I was the pilot?! That's aweso—- I-I crashed and ruined everything. Spaceship pilot. Origin story

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