Chapter XV: Discordia

Start from the beginning

Be serious Scarlet!

Oh right. Sorry.

And I was right as he responded, “You don’t talk to your father like that. I’ve never heard Rupert’s voice rise when talking to me. Your mom didn’t raise you well”

“You. Have. No. Right. to say anything about my mom” Raf growled.

Instinctively, I gripped his arm firmly as I saw him shaking from his outrage. His hand that I’m not holding was clenched tightly and his eyes turned darker looking directly at his dad.

“Raf…” I whispered in a soft voice looking at him. Sighing loudly, he stared at my eyes and saw his eyes turned lighter when I smiled.

I wanted to ask so many questions but I know, now is not the time.

Suddenly I heard his dad snickered. We both looked back at him and saw him with a lopsided smile.

“Clearly. You didn’t have a proper supervision. With the way you talk, no manners… the way you dress, distasteful… the way you move, not a proper action of a straight man and… the way you choose friends…” He paused with a smirk then glanced at my direction, “Cheap”

Ouch! He just insulted me!

He should be thankful I have manners and my parents taught me not to disrespect my elders.

But what the hell?!!

Tell him he looks like a sugar daddy!

I would love to but my brain cells are still intact. I can’t fight Raf’s dad!

I didn’t even know Raf’s dad was like this. How did Rupert endured growing up with him?

Now Raf was breathing hard. His face was so red and if looks could kill, his dad would be dead, down on the floor right now.

His anger awhile back at the coffee shop can’t compare how he looks right now. Like any minute, he could kill someone.

I tried to calm him down by continuously rubbing his back and my other hand never leaving his. He was shaking and fuming while his dad was just staring at him with a small victorious smile on his lips.

“What’s going on?” Rupert’s voice echoed in the room as an eerie silence filled it.

All three of us snapped our heads to him, he has a confused expression on his face.

“Rupert. My son…” Their dad had that beaming smile as he stood up from his seat and went straight to Rupert hugging him. Rupert hugged him back but was looking at us with a ‘What happened?’ look on his face.

I glanced at Raf, he was still breathing hard looking down on the cold floor. Oh no, this is not good.

“I’ve received a call from one of your professors and he told me you were doing very well. He was quite delightful when he received the money I gave for the construction of the lab building” He informed Rupert with a proud look, “Keep up the good work son and soon you’ll run and be the President of our company”

Rupert smiled uncomfortably as he put a hand on the back of his neck, “Yeah… sure dad”

If his dad only knows what Rupert really wanted. Pfft!

Their dad is a… Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

“…See Rafael, you should be like your brother” He spoke now looking at a fuming Raf but Raf didn’t bother to look at him, “Smart, obedient, well-postured and well-bred—”

“Dad stop, please” Rupert cut his dad looking sorry at me and Raf.

“You don’t cut me while I’m talking Rupert! Is this what college taught you or maybe being with low-class people did this to you?” Their dad said in a serious tone.

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