The Red Stains - Part 7

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thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting :)

i'm sorry it's been a while but exams are this week so i've been a tad busy....

thanks xx

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I walk to my seat next to Alex and Seamus who both look up at me with gleaming eyes and matching grins. I grin back before taking my seat and looking up at Mr Philane who is also grinning. The cat’s out of the bag.

“You didn’t tell us you’re an Ebonhale!” Seamus whispers excitedly from beside me.

“Well now you know.” I turn to look at him straight in the eyes and he nods once before we both turn back to the front. You never know who your true friends are when you introduce yourself as an Ebonhale; I know I can trust the two of them now for certain. The reason I put of bringing Heather here is that once our kind begins to hear words of an Ebonhale who isn’t one of us they’ll be talk, a lot of talk.

“Settle down!” Mr Philane’s voice fills the room hushing the whispered conversations. “I wish to remind you all that you are in no way to be roaming the school grounds after 11.30pm and that the dorms of the opposite gender are out of limits to all unless under special permission given directly by a staff member. Dismissed.”

I watch are Mr Philane strides out of the room leaving us all still sitting in our seats and soon as the door bangs shut the conversation begins. I can hear my name be repeated over and over again by people I’ve never even met, so much for wanting to keep a low profile.

“James we might want to get out of here before we’re bombarded with this lot,” Alex says suddenly jabbing his thumb at the conversing students behind us.

“Good idea.” I agree and we get up to rush out of the room only to be stopped by Tina, Tasha and what must be ‘the clones’ that, that Katie girl was referring to.

“Where are you guys going?” Tasha purrs as they completely block our way.

“To the dorm,” Alex replies in using a voice you’d use for someone mentally impaired.

“Why not hang out for a while?” Tina asks batting her eyelashes

“We have to tell him all the rules and show him where everything in the dorm is before tomorrow.” Seamus tells them all with a smile.

“At least let us introduce ourselves.” One of the girls says sweetly her bright green eyes shining. “I’m Taylor.” I nod at her politely.

“I’m Victoria but you can call me Tori.” The next girl smiles devilishly at me and I nod once again.

The next girl along smiles sheepishly up at us, “I’m Tahlia,” another nod.

“And I’m Trixie,” The last unnamed blonde states happily.

“Nice to meet you all but we have to go now.” I smile warmly at them before rushing past with Seamus and Alex right beside me. What the heck is with the T’s?

“Do they purposely make themselves look almost identical?” I ask bewildered at the six blondes who obviously live off attention seeking.

“Dunno James, all I know is they’re all blonde, their preferred names start with a T and they are seriously annoying.” Seamus huff agitatedly as we walk through the halls back to the dorm.

“Any tips on avoiding them?” I ask desperately

“Move schools.” Alex answers seriously a grin on his face.

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