Fake , Fake , FAKE .

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* Trinity's Confession *

Trinity: okay so this morning we are gonna go out to eat and try not to have any arguing hopefully they can put this mess to the side and talk or not say anything at all I pray that this works please cross your fingers, toes,clothes, and hair

-End Of Confession -

( At IHop )

Trinity: how you feeling this morning Bianca?

Bianca: great actually I did what you told me so yeah I feel nice

Trinity: yeeeaa my pissy is okay this morning (:

*Kyra's Confession *

Kyra: I noticed that Bianca hasn't looked at nobody at this table really but Naomi and Trinity are we not sitting here so I'm gonna say something

-End Of Confession -

Kyra: Bianca


Kyra: Bianca


Kyra: do she not hear me?

*Bianca's Confession *

Bianca: I didn't reply the first time, I didn't reply the second nor the tenth time so what makes you think I'm gonna answer you the 1500th time motherfucker.

-End Of Confession -

Bianca: oh I can hear you I'm just not responding

Kyra: how you go from talking to me toooo acting funny towards me

Bianca: hmm, how you go from being real to being a lair

Kyra: whaa?

Bianca: okay, remember when y'all told me the beef was squashed with Naomi of course you do it was yesterday I asked you said yeah but I found out matter of fact heard it ain't

Kyra: and where you hear that from?

Bianca: you and Asha when y'all was talking cause I just so happen to walk pass when I hear y'all plotting to hide some of Naomi stuff

Naomi: touch my stuff, the hell if y'all are I'm not fucking Raven that bitch stood there and let her sister talk for her let something of mine come up missing ima beat you and Asha ass and further more Asha haven't I beat yo ass enough you know what it is shawty and if I was you I'll let you tell yo bitch ass friend Kyra how them bricks taste *looks at Kyra & gets up and walks away *

Bianca: all y'all bitches fake and it's sad!

( Naomi &Bianca leave, which leaves the other girls behind )

Kyra: (laughing ) man I'm not worried about them two they ain't hurting my feelings

Jordan: why df Bianca mad it ain't got nothing to do with her Yea okay we lied she better run a lap and take a seat _/

Giselle: chill don't be speaking on her like that cause if you had so much to say Jordan you would have did it while she was sitting there so therefore shut yo punk ass up.


Asha: idgaf I'm still down with the plan ain't nobody listening to Naomi

Leah: we'll jump her and bianca

Giselle: the hell if you will I wish y'all bitches would bank my cousin and I'll make sure y'all leave that motherfucker on a stretcher now Leah I don't know where in the fuck you got the balls from but you better give them shits back to the bitch ass nigga that gave them to you, Jordan as I said don't talk about her when she leave, Asha I'm really starting to see you are making people do your dirty work, and as for you Kyra your just Asha puppet on a string she controls your every move fuck y'all and this plan come on Trinity *Giselle &Trinity leave *


*baack at the house *

Giselle: Bianca can I pleasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeee talk to you !

Bianca: i never said you couldn't talk to me Giselle

Giselle: but you ignored the fuck out of me at breakfast

Bianca: whatcha need to talk about cousin?

Giselle: aite since you want real as soon as you left Jordan, Leah, and Kyra started throwing dirt on your name Leah said they gone jump you and Jordan talking bout some why the fuck you mad you need to take a seat, and then there's Kyra adding her two cents they ain't hurting my feelings and I'm like why wait till they leave to talk shit And again I say you ignored the fuck out of me in breakfast.

Bianca: (laughing really hard ) gigi I'm not worried bout Leah, and Jordan they weak Kyra? pssh. no competition on my End and as for Asha she can't fight so I'll be wasting my time with her!

Naomi: pssh. ain't nobody jumping nobody Leah and Jordan can crawl in a corner and die since when did Kyra think she can run up I mean when y'all fought Jazzy she only hit the girl twice and Jazzy made her eye swell and lip bust and Asha I got her RNS! but we'll say something when they get her

Giselle: you spoke as soon as they came up!

*the girls walk in the house *

Bianca: let me ask y'all something do any of y'all need to say something to me because I don't want y'all to be walking around with something on ya chest. any of y'all?

Girls: ..............

Bianca: okay

*Bianca & Trinity's Confession *

Bianca: if you talking about me / being fake as fuck to me ima call every last one of you motherfuckers out you will get a big ass mention tweet and a big as Facebook post shit Facebook is dead and gone six feet under that shit so dead they ain't even have a funeral

Trinity: the only reason Facebook is still hanging on a string breathing is because of the drama, being real I think they scared of you

Bianca: I don't know what for I ain't did nothing pssh. yet

Trinity: you got a plan?

Bianca: yhuup, and boy is it gonna hurt this person.

-End Of Confession -

⇨oh no who is Bianca plotting against? take the time and think now cause it may not be who you think. what really made them girls think they was gonna jump Bianca and talk about her and Giselle not do nor say nothing! Jordan, Leah,Asha,and Kyra watch y'all selves.




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