Chapter Three - Where There's a Will There's Danger

Start from the beginning


Charlie leaned against the wall outside the girls' changing room where he had been standing for the past few minutes. The door opened, and three girls walked out. As they approached him, one of the girls greeted him.

'Hey,' he replied. He wasn't sure of their names, but he recognised their faces.

'You wanna walk with us?' the girl who had called to him asked.

'Thanks, but I'm waiting for someone.'

They smiled and walked off. A minute later, Alex came out of the changing room.

'I was just about to send out a search party,' Charlie joked.

Alex made a face at him. Linking her arm with his, they headed down the hallway. 'I'm starving. I bet the food's all gone by now.'

'And whose fault is that?'

'What can I say? Girls are more particular about personal hygiene.'

They stopped by their lockers.

'So was Josh still sulking?' Alex asked.

Charlie was standing four lockers away from her. 'You should have heard him. He swears he didn't throw the ball. He said it just flew out of his hands.'

'He's such a sore loser. He probably hates us more than anyone else now – well, you anyway.'

Charlie closed his locker door and strolled towards Alex. 'He doesn't scare me.' He crossed his arms and leaned his shoulder against the locker next to hers.

'So it's Carla's party next weekend,' Alex said after a short pause. She didn't look at Charlie when she spoke. 'Bet it's going to be fun, fun, fun.'

Charlie smiled. 'That's a lot of fun. Pity I won't be there.'

Alex's eyes flashed to his face. 'You won't?' Although her expression was bland, it was evident from her high-pitched tone that she was happy about the news. 'Why not?'

'If you're not going, I don't see the point. I mean, you're the only person I talk to, so who else am I going to make fun of?'

Alex smiled and elbowed him playfully.

'Hey, Romeo,' a familiar voice yelled behind them. Charlie rolled his eyes, but he didn't turn around.

Alex closed her locker door. 'Come on,' she said, pulling Charlie by the arm.

As soon as they headed off, Charlie felt a thump on his back that made him stumble forward, but he kept his balance. He spun around. 'What is your problem?' he snapped.

Josh edged closer to him. 'I'm looking at it. You think you're a big shot standing up to me in the bus, eh. No one embarrasses me and gets away with it.'

'Oh please,' Alex said. 'This isn't about what happened in the bus – not that anything did happen. Besides, that was ages ago. Admit it. This is about dodge ball. You're upset he beat you.'

Josh fixed her with a hostile glare.

If looks could kill, Charlie thought. 'You tripped me in front of the entire school. I'd say we're even.'

Josh shifted his attention back to Charlie. 'I decide when we're even.'

Hearing the shuffling of feet, Charlie's gaze darted to the students who were gathering around them. Looking back at Josh, he said, 'Just leave me alone.' He turned to walk away, but Josh grabbed his shoulder and swung him back around so they were once again face to face. 'Get off.' Charlie swung his arm in an attempt to break free and clocked Josh upside the head by mistake.

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