All Bets On Her [Part Seven]

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"Hi, I'm Adam." He seemed slightly shy, tucking his hands into his beige skinny jeans' pockets. "What class do you have right now?" I thought for a moment and said that I had Drama I. "Ah, and actress I see?"

"Hardly." I laughed. "It's just an easy A to get my Fine Arts credit so I can, you know, graduate." We laughed for a moment, decending into an awkward silence in the otherwise chaotic hallway. "Do you want to hang out some time?" I blurted out. He smiled widely. Maybe that's what he had come to talk to me about, but he was too shy to say anything about it. "Hold out your hand and we'll talk about it." He looked utterly confused, but held out his hand anyways. I pulled a sharpie out of my back pocket, taking off the cap with my teeth and writing my number neatly on the back of his hand. Placing the cap back on, I bid him adiue and ran off to try and find my class. I still didn't know where everything was.

The teacher was going on about the fourth wall when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, seeing that I had a text from a number I didn't recognize. It's Adam(:

I smiled, replied back - scolding him for texting whilst in class - and then saved his number. The teacher said something loudly and enthusiastically, causing her curly hair in her bun to almost shake out of place. "Now why would we have a 'fourth wall', Hayden?" She asked me, as everyone turned to see what I would say. Was I really that obvious at texting in class?

"To distinguish the difference between what's happening onstage and offstage, as if the audience is watching something that is actually happening with the actors unaware of their presence." My answer was smooth without any hiccups. My teacher jumped up, yelling "Exactly!" and continuing with the lesson. My phone vibrated again. Where would you like to hang out?

I bit my lip and grinned, tapping my fingers rhythmically across my screen. Surprise me.


I hadn't heard from Adam for the past two class periods. I was walking towards the cafeteria when a tall, athletic male student stopped me. Sorry to admit it, but this guy was really hot. He had baby blue eyes and blonde hair was recently trimmed short. You could see his muscles through his tight blue shirt, and his jeans defined his.. Legs. That's right, those sexy legs.

"Well hello there Ms. Chimes." He smiled with charm. I smiled a small smile and waved. No way was I going to let this guy know how attractive I think he is. By the looks of it, he already knows just how hot he is. "I'm Chase." As if I should know who 'Chase' is? When he noticed the confused look on my face he explained, "I'm the best quarterback this school has ever had." Honestly, I couldn't know less about football, but I nodded with an 'aw' look on my face as if I understood perfectly. He smiled profoundly.

"And I am the hungriest girl in the school right now, so I'm going to head to lunch. Nice meeting you Chase." I patted his chest, feeling his muscles a bit. Making sure I didn't linger too long, I moved along. He followed after me, grabbing my hand and slipping a piece of paper into it. I opened it and read his shaky handwriting. Here's my number if you ever want a good time(; I huffed, crumpling it and throwing it in the trash, sure he was still watching me.


I dropped my belongings onto the floor besides my bed, collapsing onto the comforter. I had gotten offered a "good time" by at least three different guys during the school day. What is wrong with teenage boys? I realized there was one really chill one that I knew of. Opening my phone, I sent a text: Wanna come over?

It only took a second to get a response. What's your address?

I smiled and typed in my address. I quickly realized that I hadn't asked Melanie or Brad permission to have a friend over. My socks pounded softly against the stairs as I made my way to the living room where Brad was watching some car show intensely, and Melanie was reading a magazine. I swear, they were a couple of teenagers themselves. "Hey guys, can I ask something of you?" I spoke up, grasping their attention immediately. I would have never gotten that kind of response back home; maybe from my mom, but never from my father. "I really want to have a friend of mine come over and hang out, if that's okay. It's not May though." They seemed elated that I was making new friends. I didn't inform them that it would be a boy, but they wouldn't mind.

I realized that I had still not changed out of my school clothes, venturing upstairs and putting on something more comfortable. Placed onto my body was a home-made band tank that I had cut out of a t-shirt and some sweat pants. I put my hair into a messy pony tail and put on Cartoon Network. I'm still a kid at heart, honestly.

I hadn't even noticed that the door bell ring, or that anyone was coming up the stares. I was too engulfed into Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. What was behind the secret door? What could be so bad about Bloo opening it?

Someone cleared their throat in my doorway, causing me to flinch and fall off my bed. Hearing a low chuckle, I realized it was Adam. I got up, attempting to restore some of my dignity, which was hard to do when my face was scarlet. "Hey." I greeted him shyly, wondering what we were going to do now that he was over. I've never had a guy come and hang out with me at my house, and I was already awkward enough when it came to having girls over.

He jumped onto my bed, making himself at home. "Nice pad you got here." He smiled, dragging me onto the bed with him, causing me to giggle. "So, what's the plan, Stan?" He shook his hair out of his face, green eyes wide open. When he saw me bite my lip, thinking, he placed his hand over his heart dramatically. "Don't tell me you've invited me over here only to take advantage of my innocent, virgin body against my will." He laid across the bed, covering his eyes with his forearm.

That put me into a laughing fit, barely able to catch my breath. "Do you want something to eat?"

After we had retireved the Ben and Jerry's from the freezer, we were back in my room. Music was playing softly in the background, us sitting in the floor, devouring the frozen goodness. We were asking one another questions about each other. I had learned that his favorite color is orange, he was born in Fayetteville, and he started smoking in the 9th grade. "What's your favorite cartoon?" He asked me. I blushed and looked down. "C'mon," he laughed. "I'll tell you mine."

I muttered my favorite show, knowing full well he couldn't hear me. He sighed and before I could defend myself, he was on top of me tickling me, shouting for me to tell him. "Fine! Fine!" I forfeited. "InuYasha."

"What's Inuwasha?" He asked the question I always get asked. What's so hard about saying Inuyaha?

"It's an anime about this girl Kagome who fell down this demon well thing into this other world where demons are trying to get this jewl thing that gives them powers and she meets this half-demon InuYasha who wants the jewl that was born inside of Kagome because she's the reincarnation of Kikyo-" He placed his palm over my mouth before I continued anymore with my explanation. Blushing wildly, I willingly shut up.

Shaking his head, he smiled, "You're such a dork."


I bet you guys thought I was just gonna upload a chapter then wait another few months to upload another(;

I feel like I don't have my readers anymore. :c I'm so sorry for not updating for so long.. To make up for my wrongs, I'm working on the sequal to "The Game We Call High School." Finally. I've been promising it for so long.

Anyways, remember to comment, vote, and suggest it to others.<3

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