This Isnt The End. Its Just The Beginning.

Start from the beginning

"I nipped back to Hannah's last night. To pick up your stuff." Niall told me. Ellie appeared in the doorway and she seemed upset. I half smiled at her. I picked up all my bags and began making my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Ellie croaked.

"Home." I told her. I didnt dare to look at her, i just fixed my gaze on the door and let tears build up in my eyes.

"You mean back to Nottingham? But what about London? What about Hannah..?" Ellie questioned me, sadness edging her voice.

"Home." I just repeated.

"Home.." Ellie muttered.

"Home. Thats in Australia apparently." I whispered but just loud enough for them to hear.

"Wha-" Ellie began, her ears pricking up. She seemed shocked. But i didnt reply. I just picked up my bags, my luggage, my clothes and i grabbed my coat off the coat rack. I didnt say anything. I just pulled the front door of Niall's flat open and stepped outside. I glanced inside at Ellie and Niall who looked confused and shocked. Maybe even sad. I sighed and closed my eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek. I shut the door behind me and walked up the London streets, trying to find a cab that would be willing to take me to the train station. I was confused, upset, angry. I didnt even know what was happening. And Australia? Where did that come from? I sighed and scuffed my shoes along the path, kicking cans and bottles every so often, hauling my bags behind me.

After a while of walking, i stopped and sighed. I stood on the street corner and looked around. I placed my bags on the floor and sat on the edge of the pavement, watching cars drive past. I rested my head in my knee's and closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face and into my lap. I didnt even know who i was anymore. I didnt understand my life. I felt like i'd lost everything in the course of two days. I'd never felt like this. Not since my dad died. I felt lost, unloved, scared. I just wanted my old life back. I wanted my dad with me. He always understood me. Every friday he would take me into his office and sit me on his knee, no matter how old i was. And he'd say to me 'Okay then. So spill..' And thats when i would tell him everything. I'd tell him anything that had happened that week. I'd tell him stories. I'd tell him about Ellie and how amazing she was. I'd talk about the past. I would tell him everything. But now i couldnt do that. He was gone. I remember the last words he said to me so well and so clear.

'Dont worry. Everything's going to be okay. Dont be afraid to spill anything. Even when i'm not there next to you, i can still hear you. When ever you feel lost, look up at the sky and talk to me. And remember, dont be afraid of anything. Sad things may happen, but the good is yet to come."

Beeping pulled me out of my thoughts and i looked up to see a black car in front of me. A taxi. I pulled myself up and wiped my eyes on my sleeve. I picked up all my luggage and placed them all in the back of the taxi before shutting the door. I opened the passenger side door and climbed in.

"I thought you needed some assistence madam." The taxi driver said. I nodded in thanks. "You looked sad, lost almost." He fiddled around in his pockets and pulled out a tissue before handing it to me. "For your tears." He said.

"Thank you." I whispered. I smiled a fake smile at him and took it off him, dabbing at my eyes.

"No problem ma'am. Where can i be taking you today?" He asked.

"To the train station please." I told him. He nodded and slumped down in the seat. He pulled out, into the road and began driving me to the train station. I fixed my gaze on the busy London streets and watched all the happy people walking down the street, enjoying life. I smiled slightly and sighed.

Some time later, i was at the train station. I paid my fee's and said my thanks, climbing out of the taxi and opened the back seat. I grabbed my bags and shut the door and quickly ran up the the station just in time to see the train arrive at the station. I hopped on board as the train doors opened and i quickly found my seat in a little carriage by myself and the ticket instructor came over to me.

I Hated You But I Ended Up Dating You (1D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now