Chapter Four

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As he kissed me I felt sparks. Like it's the best thing that ever happened to me. The weird part about it all is that I kissed him back. 'This is wrong, Maddisynne' the voice in my head said. I tried to pull away but my body and my lips did'nt to anything. As cheesey as this sounds- This feels so wrong, but at the same time it feels right.

In one quick moment, Kyle was on top of me. Before we could go any further I broke the kiss. "Kyle, this is so wrong. It was a mistake." I could see his face turn from confused to angry.

"Why? You don't have a boyfriend, that's what I heard from your brother." He said his voice a little loud. "Actually, Hunter asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I said yes."

Suddenly his face changed from confusion to anger. He got up and grabbed his leather jacket from the counter and stormed out of our dorm.

Kyle's Pov

I knew this would happen. He know that I like or love Maddisynne. But he had to do this to me.

I should've made a move first. But I know that she did'nt like me that much at that time, but when she kissed me tonight... I felt something that I never felt in years...And I mean years.

He's such an animal. Okay, he is an animal anyway, so I'll expact him to act like one.

I will get Maddisynne. She will be mine and mine alone.

I've loved her for as long as she lived.

After a few minutes later, I arrived at the bar called 'Special'. It definetly is a special bar, everyone who goes here is special.

When I entered all kind of eyes were on me, but one pair of red eyes that stood out the most made me furious. I turned away and walked over to the bar to sit on a bar stool. "Your most finest scotch, please." I said to the blue haired bartender, who blushed furiously like I just said 'You look beautiful'. I rolled my eyes at her and she handed me my drink. A few seconds later I could smell someone fimilar next to me.

"Your majesty." She said in her elegant british accent. I turned my back to her and looked the other way. "Well, hello to you too, brother." She said and put her hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. "What are you doing here, Emilie?" I asked with a stern voice.

"Am I not allowed to visit my dear older brother?" She said while I turned around to face her. When I looked at her, there were bruises on her face. I immediately softend and reached my hand out to touch her cheek. "Who did this to you? Was it Robert? I'm gonna kill hi--" She cut me off."It was just a mistake." She said looking down to her lap.

"I don't know how you can still be with him and he's your lover." I said cringing. "There's nothing wrong with him being my lover, or is it because he's my brother?" She states the obvious. "Exactly." She rolled her eyes at my statement.

"So why are you here?" I asked whilst taking a sip of my drink. "I'm on bussiness." She said which earned her an eye roll from me. "What kind of bussiness." She looked down to her lap to think of what she should say to me. But she forgot one thing. While I thought that I smirked.

'Should I tell him why I'm here. But if I do, Robert will definetly send me down. I'll lie to him. Hopefully he'll brlieve me. He would right? Well lets see and find out.' After I she was finish thinking she looked up at me.

Before she could even open her mouth to speak, I beat her to it. "Don't even think about lying, just tell me the truth. I read you thoughts." I said smirking to her and her face went pale.

"God! I forgot you could do that." She mumbled to herself."You forgot a lot of thing about me, sweet sister...Well, get on with it now." I said , she looked into my eyes and I could see her tears well up.

"Well, Robert sent me to--"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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