Chapter one: "Mr.Butler"

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Note: hi! Welcome to my first ever story.
I own nothing including the pics i use okay? Exept for the story teehee~
Here a mini catalogue

(Y/N): your name
(H/C): Hair colour
This: Thinking
(E/C): your eye colour

hope you enjoy reading ^^ i'll try to update as soon as i can! Bye,bye!

It was a rainy day in England and almost everybody was probably home. All exept for me, (Y/N), i was a neko. Right now i was in my cat form searching for some food.

(Y/N) Pov:

I'm so hungryyy. I looked everywere, the only things i saw were dirty mud puddles. If i looked into windows, i saw happy family's. Some even had cats! Of course i didn't..... Think about it, if you had a cat that was actually a girl with cat ears and a fluffy tail you would freak out! Okay some people would like it but those were weird old creepy people.

I snapped out of my thoughts when i bumped into a gateway. An iron gateway.... Only rich people have these, maybe they have food! I climbed into a tree and jumped from there over the fence/gateway. I landed gracefully and silently. Unfortunaly for me they had a guard dog. "OAF, OAF!" and it breathed fire. I jumped and hissed. WHAT KIND OF GUARD DOG BREATHS FIRE!!!??
EEEEK!!! AND IT'S SO BIG TOO!! (That's what she said XD)

I sprinted away as quick as possible. "Meow!" i jumped into the flower beds. "What is going on!? Pluto, don't you know bocchan is working?" a man with a black butler outfit came out of the giant house. The dog i guessed named Pluto whined and growled in my direction before he went back to doing whatever he was doing. I silently hissed. The man in the butler outfit noticed this and grabbed me out of the flowerbeds.

"My, were you the little trouble maker my dear?" he said with a closed eyed smile. I mewd maybe if i act nice i can live here! Yay! "Mrrowr" i purred and leaned into his hand. "My, what a charming one are you indeed, you look what skinny how about i give you some food and water? Wait right here."he petted me one last time before he left off.

How nice! I tought and changed into my human form i was in a (H/C) dress with cat eats and my fluffy tail. My
(H/C) hair was the same colour as my cat ears and tail. I hid them just to be save and streched. "Kyaaaaa~ long time no human form" the butler came back out and looked quite surprised. "Why, where did that lovely cat go? And what are you doing here my lady?" i looked at the food and water with hungery eyes. "E-eh
c-can i maybe uhm.... Eat that?" and i poked at the food.The butler blinked "this is catfood my dear,are you that hungry?" he gave me the food and i happily ate it. Not knowing i purred and my cat ears and tail popped out of delight.

Sebastians Pov:

The strange girl in the garden of young masters mansion started eating the catfood. I already found it a little strange that she ate cat food. But what interested me more was that she started purring and that cat ears and tail popped out of nowhere.

She looked at me with big, innocent (E/C) eyes. Her tail and ears flicked in curiousity. She tilted her head a little. "Why are you staring at me like that Mr.Butler?" My what a interesting young lady, and so innocent too... "Why, i was just thinking i never see beautiful young ladies with cat ears and tail." she smiled happily.
"Meow~ thank you!-!w-wait! Tail?! Ears?! Kyaaaa~!! you saw them didn't you? Craaaaap! W-wel you see i was that kitty you saw...." i chuckled "i already figured that out, why don't you come into the manor. Maybe you can work here." she clasped her hands and her eyes looked very happy. "Thank you mister Butler!, my name is (Y/N)!" i stood up and held out my hand she took it and stood up. So soft~
"My name is Sebastian honour to meet you miss (Y/n)"

Cat ears and a Fluffy tail Sebastian x neko!readerWhere stories live. Discover now