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"Screen share Alexandrea

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"Screen share Alexandrea." Alexandrea's eyes widen over the screen before Mariah bursted out laughing. It was currently Thanksgiving break and Alexandrea decided to go back LA, while Nika decided to go to Croatia to visit her family. While the time difference was 9 hours they still managed to be on the phone everyday.

It was currently 6:00AM for Nika and 3:00PM for Alexandrea and they had just got on the phone 30 minutes ago. Nika was on Tiktok before she called Alexandrea in the middle of her heavy smoke sesh with Mariah, Tyler and Kylin. Nika had just found out about the IOS 18 update and decided to screen share and let Alexandrea take over her screen.

Alexandrea went through various of apps like, Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, even her spam accounts on all of her social medias. She was happy she didn't find anything she wouldn't like, but all hell broke loose when Nika asked for her to return the favor. So here they are, deep into an argument because Alexandrea didn't want to let Nika control her screen.

"Hello?"Nika spoke again when she realized Alexandrea was now on mute and yelling at someone. Alexandrea looked back at the camera before getting off of mute and going through all her apps. Nika's heart dropped, she wondered what Alexandrea had to hide.

"I can see you deleting shit through your glasses dumbass. Bye Alexandrea."Nika rolled her eyes before hanging the phone up. She threw her phone on her bed before huffing. Her and Alexandrea had been dating for 2 months and she thought everything was smooth and going great but obviously not.

Meanwhile Mariah was chewing into Alexandrea about what just happened. "What the fuck are you hiding? You better not be fucking cheating Alexandrea, I swear!"Mariah slapped Alexandrea's chest before Alexandrea started wheezing.

Alexandrea looked over at Mariah and mugged her but Mariah was already mugging her back. Tyler shook his head while Kylin started laughing. "You're not denying anything, Drea."Tyler said before taking a pull at the blunt that Kylin just passed him.

"Because I'm not hiding shit."Alexandrea shrugged making Mariah roll her eyes. "Then why the fuck can't you screen share?"Mariah asked, now genuinely curious. Alexandrea looked between Mariah and her phone before Mariah quickly snatched Alexandrea's phone and took off running to the restroom. She closed the door and looked it while Alexandrea was beating on the door.

"Who's fucking friend are you Mariah, huh? You've only known Nika for less than 2 years!"Alexandrea's eyes began to water. Mariah shook her head before going through Alexandrea's phone. "I'm both of your friends, but I don't condone cheating!"Mariah yelled back as her eyes widen when she seen Alexandrea still in contact with Piper.

The girls had been texting for two weeks straight, sending dirty messages and sending nudes to each other. "You've cheated in all of your relationships!"Alexandrea hit the door one final time before sliding down the wall and crying.

"First off they weren't relationships, just very extended talking stages. And second off I didn't want you fucking up something good! You literally have the best girlfriend in the world but you decided to fucking cheat? You have everyone's dream girl Alexandrea!"Mariah started. She threw Alexandrea her phone back and Alexandrea cried harder when she seen her and Piper's messages opened.

"Nika's kind, beautiful, talented as fuck, smart, and she cares about you, but you go and fuck it up for what? For a quick fuck and someone who's going to play you? Nika's should be the one crying! Nika's the fucking victim! So get your shit together and quit fucking crying because you don't deserve cry. You're a fucking cheater Alexandrea, nothing more and nothing less."Mariah finished. By now Kylin and Tyler were now standing in front of them watching the whole scene unfold.

"You have 2 hours to confess to Nika or I'll do it myself. I love you but I won't let you go out sad like this and I won't let you cheat on an amazing girl."Mariah walked off. Kylin followed her while Tyler sat next to Alexandrea, letting her cry into his shoulder.

yanni's thoughts...

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