She goes back into her room realizing that she had left her clothes in there, instead of bringing them into her bathroom.

“Ready?” Heather asks her enthusiastically, jumping up and down on my bed, her brown hair bouncing along with her.

“Almost, just let me change first,” She tells her going back into her bathroom. She dries herself off as quickly as possible, and throws on her favorite pair of jean shorts and her top. She looks in the mirror and notices that a little mascara had run off from the shower.

She quickly wipes it away with a q-tip, she leaves her hair the way it is, deciding to let the sun dry it for her.

“Alright, I’m ready,” Caroline tells her sister, making sure she turns off the lights to the bathroom.

“Yayy,” Heather cheers, jumping off the bed and heading out the room. Caroline grabs her book off of the side table by her bed. It’s her summer reading book for school that she’s yet to finish, even though she’s already written the four page essay that’s due next week.

She goes downstairs to discover her mom sitting quietly on the couch, watching Oprah or Dr. Phil, one of those shows.

The sight of her mom just sitting there doing nothing, while she has to do everything infuriates her.

“Come on, Heather, let’s go to the park instead,” She tells her sister, grabbing her car keys from the kitchen counter. Her eyes light up with excitement,

“Can we bring Max with us?” she asks pointing to their adorable beagle that’s lying on the kitchen tile.

“Why not,” Caroline agrees with a sigh, not really caring what they do anymore since her days pretty much ruined already.

“Yayy, even better,” she cheers skipping out the door to the garage, where Caroline’s car sits, a brand new Lexus.

Her parents think that they can just buy her things to make up for her mother’s behavior and her dad’s absences, but what they don’t know is that she would trade her Lexus, or her Chanel purse, to have a normal family.

“We’ll be back mom,” Caroline shouts loud enough for her mom to hear her, not that she really cares if she does or not.

She gets Max up off the floor, herding him toward the door. She unlocks her car, so that Heather can climb in the back, since she’s not old enough to sit up front.

Caroline locks the garage door behind her before getting into her car, and putting Max in the front seat She drives only about two minutes in her neighborhood, to the park.

They discovered the park about a month ago; it’s only a seven to ten minute walk away from their house. They get to the park and park on the side of the road, by a large house since there’s no actual parking lot.

Heather jumps out of the car and races to let Max out of the front seat.  Caroline slowly makes her way out of the car, making sure to grab Max's leash from the back seat.

"Max," Caroline calls for the dog with a little whistle.  He comes trotting over, waging his tail happily.

She slips his leash on over his small head, and heads in the direction that Heathers walking towards the playground.

Heather already has herself sitting on a swing by the time Caroline makes it to the wooden benches that sit across from the swing set and monkey bars.

The park has a relaxed feel to it.  There's trees all over, but not to many so the sun still shines brightly.  There's a pond in the middle, so the pathwalk loops around it, a perfect place to go running.

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