“Keara?” Jason’s voice didn’t betray any emotion other than boredom, but the glint in his eyes was one of hope.

“I…” Christophe began, instantly regretting ever making the promise of finding Jason. “I wanted to call you before dropping by so unexpected, but I couldn’t get a hold of your phone number.”

“Keara sent you?”

Christophe barely had the time to nod before Jason’s face lit up. He stepped back from the doorway and motioned for Christophe to enter the apartment, whilst muttering something incomprehensive. Christophe couldn’t make out the exact words, but to him it sounded like Keara’s brother was happy, excited even. Christophe’s stomach turned at the thought.

Jason rushed towards the windows. In swift movements, he drew the curtains aside and let fresh air enter the room.

“Take a seat,” Jason offered, but at the same time, he realized that would be a problem. “Just a moment.” He collected a huge pile of clothes, blankets and empty pizza boxes off the couch to make room for Christophe to sit. “I’ll be right back.”

Christophe nodded, unable to form even a small smile in thanks. He was grateful for the few moments he had to himself to gather his thoughts. While Christophe waited for Jason to return, he glanced around the messy room. Considering the muddle, he assumed Jason wasn’t too big a fan of cleaning. In sharp contrast to the messy floor and furniture covered with clothes, the white walls were painfully bare. Jason didn’t showcase photos or items that indicated emotional value.

Christophe’s eyes fell on a newspaper, almost hidden from view, on the coffee table. It dated back three days, but he hadn’t read a newspaper in weeks, so even the old news would still be new to him. At the bottom of the front page, so small that he nearly missed it, was a line of text that spiked his interest. Christophe flipped through the pages until he found the article.


Recent scientific studies have yet to discover the reason behind the sudden disappearance of the Hemsk-Tod Disease. International teams of scientists, each the best in their field, are in charge of the HTD-research. Close to two years spent searching for answers, the studies still lack conclusive results.

Because of the sudden HTD outbreak and the many lives taken by this disease, governments discuss international health accords, precaution and worldwide evacuations.

What made some of us immune to HTD? Will the disease hit again? From where did HTD originate? The search for answers continues!

Next Wednesday we’ll have a ten-page special on HTD as we remember the tragedy that struck three years ago.”

With a huff, Christophe tossed the newspaper back on the coffee table, disgusted that the cause of so many deaths was now a subject barely mentioned. The newspapers only spoke of HTD in articles the size of a free cereal coupon to use at the local supermarket.

 “How are they?” Jason interrupted Christophe’s train of thoughts when he returned to the living room, wearing a change of clothes.

Christophe was dumbfounded. Annoyance with the article still clouded his mind, and now he had to tell a guy – who considered Christophe’s sudden visit heaven-sent – that he had no family left?

“Can I offer you anything to drink?” Jason asked, oblivious to Christophe’s inner turmoil. “Some water? A beer?”

“A beer is fine.”

Absolute ContaminationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora