I grinned, " Of course you big klutz." He got up and tackled me with a hug. Gosh, I loved his hug. He made me feel so secure and safe.

"Happy one month." He mumbled in my ear.

Yup, that's right. It's been a month since Niall took me out on that skating date. From one date to another. We agreed we wouldn't do anything special for today, a me and him day. Nothing to fancy, just the way I like it.  I was surprised he hadn't left me yet. I thought celebrities moved on from one person quickly. I feel like a heart-less girl for saying that. Then again, lots of people just date others to boost their popularity up. Eh? guess I shouldn't have judged Niall until I met him, and now I'm pretty sure our relationship is true. I feel like I met him just yesterday. But I guess time flies when you're spending time with the love of your live. Holy freaking shit. Did I just say Love? What in the world? I don't love him! Do I?  I just met him! How can you possibly love someone so quickly? I have gone crazy.

I pulled out of the embrace, " Uhmm, I'm going to go get something to eat." I said before Niall could read my expression. I headed to the kitchen and started rummaging the fridge and cupboards looking for a snack. A-ha! Crackers. I opened it up and started to munch on one. I turned around and shrieked, dropping the bag of crackers. Awww! My poor crackers! How sad. Goodbye crackers, I love you - well, loved you. Now, onto the reason why I dropped my crackers. When I turned around, Niall's huge frame was looming over me. "What the hell, Niall? You killed my food." I cried.

All I got in reply was a deep chuckle. Yeah, very funny. Killing my crackers. I tried making my way back to the living room, but Niall moved his arm in front of me, preventing me from moving. Instead he started moving forward, while I went backward, our eyes locked with each others. I backed up until I was up against the counter unable to move backward anymore. Niall's hands shot up and he placed them on the cupboards above, caging me. That's when a devious grin made its way onto Niall's face and I knew something was wrong.

" What's wrong with you? Has a ghost possessed you? Wanted my life to be a horror film, my bum." I muttered. He found it hilarious that horror films scared the shit out of me. Well, look whose lauging now that this shit is real!

Guess it was him who was laughing because his grin grew impossibly bigger. I stared at him a little petrified , never leaving his eyes and he never left mine. Finally he spoke, " You know . . . we've been dating for a month and now you're officially my girlfriend so . . ."  So what? Is there some other question that was supposed to be asked? How complicated are relationships? I gestured using both of my hands to say, 'continue.' " Well, I think it's time we uhh . . . kissed . . ."

My eyes widened and my mouth slightly hung open. Kissed? What? How the heck do you kiss someone? How does that even work? You just press lips together? Gawd, who even made this kissing concept? Niall started leaning and I squealed, he kept coming. What to do? Hmmm . . . I ducked and Niall fell forward losing his balance and I made an escape. I dashed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I could hear Niall calling my name and running after me, hot on my heels. I snuck into the first door opened and stopped in the middle of the room. I looked around, it was Niall's room. Something slammed shut and I spun around to see Niall smirking at me, with the door locked behind him. Man, he was looking at me as if he wanted to eat me. I don't think I taste good. "Shit." I grumbled. Way to get yourself cornered, Jessa! Just great! There's no escaping now. Why didn't you just run out of the house when you got rid of him the first time? I'm so stupid. He approached me slowly, while I took small steps back.

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