The Visit

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  After I finally stopped arguing with myself, there was no backing out now. I should go visit her today. I was going to visit her today. Her name was Karry Diggle. She was very intelligent and sweet, yet she was stubborn and sensitive, too. She... really was my everything. However, I couldn't forget how innocent she was.
  Something I never was, because I was used to killing everything or anyone who stood in my way. Anyway, I remembered that she lived at Wayne Manor with Bruce, Alfred, Dick, and me. Man, I missed them all, even the old man. Bruce did teach me everything I know, and I owe him for what he taught me. I'll admit, he put up with my attitude and disrespect for so long, even when I acted like a brat.

  I got off topic... Sorry, so Wayne Manor was 20 minutes from where I was currently. Since it wasn't that far, I took my motorcycle Bruce gave me years ago. Maybe I gave him a hard time, but everything I did was to be good enough for him. I thought about turning back several times, but I was tired of running away from the truth.

  Honestly, returning back to the place I hadn't been in a while, I expected questions to be thrown at me.

  After 20 minutes of driving, I found a place to park my motorcycle. I took off my helmet and prepared to walk to Wayne Manor. Before I did, something stopped me. These questions filled my head:

  What if they don't want to see me?

  What if everyone shuts me out?

  What if my past actions caused me to lose everyone?

  What if I don't get a second chance at redemption?

  I just blocked the questions out and continued towards the door. Then, I rang the doorbell, yet I tried to process in my brain what I was going to say to everyone quickly. However, the door opened and the one and only, Alfred Pennyworth, answered the door.

  Alfred said,"Excuse me, sir, can I help you?"

  I stood there shocked for a minute, yet I recovered and thought,"He doesn't remember me?"

  I tried to think of something to say very quickly. 

  After thinking for a moment, I said to him,"Alfred, how could you and the old man forget about me so quickly?"

  Alfred blinked, but you could see the shock written across his face.

  Alfred took a step towards me, asking me,"Master Todd, is that you?"

  I sent him a smile and answered,"The One and Only."

  Alfred's eyes began to water, and he said to me,"We've missed you so much. I told Master Bruce you would return home one day. Come on in, I'll tell the others."

  But before I could head inside, Alfred just hugged me.

  It had been a while since anyone had hugged me, but I slowly hugged him back saying,"I've missed you, too, Al. This will always be my home."

  Alfred sent me a smile that was unforgettable and led me inside. I wasn't afraid of what the others might think, just nervous about what they had to say. For now, I was relieved Alfred was so welcoming towards me. That gave me hope that the others would treat me no differently than he did.

  Hope was what I needed right now.

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