chapter seven: possibility

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JJ spent the night at Brooklynn's house. They fell asleep snuggled into each other's arms. Brooklynn fell asleep almost the second her head hit the pillow while JJ had stayed up for two hours after that, stuck in thought.

Usually, JJ was always the first to fall asleep, but he felt as if there were so many things left unsaid last night.

JJ groaned in annoyance as he heard Brooklynn's alarm go off at 7 am. Brooklynn slowly sat up, prying JJ's arm off of her so she could get up and shut off the alarm.

"What time is it?" JJ asked, his face smushed into the pillow.

"Just after seven," Brooklynn hummed, opening up her closet to find an outfit for the day.

"Seven?!" JJ shrieked, "Brook, school doesn't start until nine!"

Brooklynn laughed, "I know."

"So what do you do for two damn hours?" JJ questioned.

"Shower, get dressed, brush and straighten my hair, brush my teeth, sometimes homework. Oh, and usually if I have extra time, I go to Topper's," Brooklynn answered.

"Topper's," JJ repeated, "Of course you do."

Brooklynn ignored his comment and continued her search for an outfit, "This is one thing I miss about the Kook Academy."

"What?" JJ asked, "Chillin' with frosted tips?"

"Wearing a uniform," Brooklynn corrected him.

JJ watched as she finally pulled a shirt out of her closet, "You enjoy wearing a polo and skirt every day?"

"Yeah. That way, I don't have to spend so much time figuring out what to wear," Brooklynn explained as she moved to her dresser to pick out shorts.

Brooklynn put a pair of denim shorts under her arm with the shirt she picked out and left her room to go to the bathroom. 

She figured there wasn't any time to have a shower since she had to drop JJ off at the Chateau to get his school supplies and clothes.

So she twisted her hair up with a light pink claw clip instead of washing her hair. She pulled on her light blue denim shorts and pink tank top.

She brushed her teeth in a rush and applied some lip gloss before returning to her room.

"Kay, let's go," Brooklynn told JJ, picking up her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Where we goin'?" JJ questioned.

"Downstairs to grab breakfast then the Chateau," Brooklynn informed him.

JJ let out a dramatic groan as he climbed out of bed and slipped on his shoes.


𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now