Chapter 3: the warmth of a friend

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Lucy's Pov.

She felt her head spin as things were overlapping and blurry but after a while she could see..well partially.

She was able to pick out objects but not the designs.

She was lying down in a bed,as she turned to look at her surroundings.

"This isn't my room is it? Who brought me here?"

She questioned herself as she felt her memory was in shambles.

In pieces they were, pieces of glass that had broke.

At that moment Lucy heard the door creak and she saw a mop of blue hair Pop out of the door before the person appeared in front of her.

He had blue hair, and a toned body complexion.

For some reason,Lucy felt she had met him before....but she didn't even know him....

She snapped back out of her thoughts as the sound of the tray the man was carrying made contact with the table.

On the tray that the blue haired man carried was a bowl of porridge and a glass of water.

For some reason as she looked at the porridge,she felt an urge to vomit.
It wasn't because the porridge was disgusting but the fact that she was not hungry and she didn't have much of an appetite following that incident....

"Does it not look good?
I'm sorry I guess..I'm not much of a cook this was the best I could muster."

The blue haired man chuckled as his face showed signs of embarrassment and sadness.

Lucy upon seeing his depressed face quickly grabbed the spoon and shoved a spoon of porridge into her mouth.

Not giving a chance to ask,she quickly gobbled down spoonfuls of porridge before washing it down with the water.

To be honest,even if she looked unlady like while eating the porridge it made her a little bit happy knowing that the efforts of the man did not go to vain.

Lucy caught a smile on the man's face as he stood up and left the room to clean the dishes.

She felt elated knowing that she could make someone sad to happy from Eating something.

"Drip drop.."
The sound or dripping rain splashing on the window as Lucy staggered to get out of the bed she was lying down in.

Her hand made contact with the cold surface as she traced the numerous raindrops that grouped together to make a bigger drop before cascading down the window.

Lucy felt melancholic as she peered through the everlasting rain.

As it down below different and many varieties of umbrellas opened creating a rainbow type of "world"

For a short time she trailed back to her thoughts as she thought about her friend juvia locker the rain woman.

"Is she sad now?"

Lucy whispered to herself.

"Would they care if I died"
She asked herself.

"If you were to die then I would be sad,besides if you were to die..wouldn't your friends or family be sad?"

The voice of the man behind her asked her.

She continued facing the window and hollowly answered him,

"I don't have friends they all have left me,my family is dead,who else if there to care whether or not I live in this world? Won't you tell me Because I would like to ask,why I should continue to live in this world?"

For a moment she was faced with silence.

"He just gave me an answer that he didn't really think did he?"

She dryly laughed to herself.

"If you have no friends or family,then I'll be your friend or family.
You don't need to live your life for someone else because this is your own life,you live for your self.
Even if everything hurts,you have to continue living because that is how we,as humans should live our lives as!"

And then she felt warmth elope her from behind and two hands wrap around her waist.

"I'll always be your friend and family,I promise to never leave your side!"

He told her.

" Do you promise?"

Lucy asked him.

"Yes,I promise."


She started.

"If you're my friend,I should have to ask you of your name right?

"Shion kaito"

"Kaito-kun...thank you for being my friend and family."

For the first time since that day she felt something warm admist the cold rain.

The warmth of friendship and family.


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