8. Public sex & Breeding kink

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/Olivia's POV/

I looked at the victim's bump and sighed. I've always wanted a kid with Elliot but it's hard to get pregnant. We've been trying for a while now but it's always negative. We started to worry it's maybe one of us, but I'm still hoping for the only excuse we are left with; the birth control still have some effect on me, after all I only stopped taking it one and a half months ago.

-What's on your mind? – El asked while holding my waist from behind. I held his hand and rested my head on his chest.

-I just wish I could be her – I mumbled, holding my stomach with my other hand.

-You want to be raped too? – he asked so I scoffed, turning around and hitting his cheek lightly.

-Pregnant, you idiot! I'm worried I'm infertile... – I looked into his eyes so he held my face, kissing me gently.

-It's too soon to tell, the medicine could take 3 months to fully emty out of your system, so don't worry. In the meantime, we'll keep trying – he said calmly and then kissed me longer than before, so I stopped worrying and went with the flow.

-Yo, can y'all not do this here? – Fin said as he walked into the room. We giggled and let each other go to their work.

At the end of work, El took me home and told me to dress up nicely, so I was pretty excited. I took my time as he didn't tell me when we should go, and also being this beautiful isn't something you achieve in a few minutes.

-Are you ready, baby? – he knocked on the bathroom door so I turned around, putting on some earrings. He looked me up and down then put a big smile on his face. – Gosh, I can't believe this is all mine... – he walked closer and pulled me into a kiss, but after giving a quick smooch, I pulled away.

-Be careful, my hair took days to finish – I looked back into the mirror then I grabbed my purse and turned around again. – Okay, I'm finished – I said proudly. He giggled and then we went to his car. He opened the door like a true gentleman which surprised me but it was nice being treated like this. I feel rolay.

He then began to drive to the mysterious location, which I soon saw what was; a fancier restaurant.

-Wooow.... Any special occasion? – I looked at him, kind of worried I might have forgotten something, but we haven't got married (yet), and our anniversary isn't until half a year.

-No, I just wanted to cheer you up – he put on his little boy smile. – I know you've been stressing lately and I want it to happen just as much as you do, but you'll need to relax a bit sometimes, okay? If you were pregnant, it wouldn't be good for the baby if you stressed so much, so I suggest you start working on that – he giggled so I did the same. He's right, I have another month and a half to actually start to consider myself or him infertile.

We went inside and got to our table. We ordered, I asked for wine, he stayed with sprite cause he's driving. After we got our food, we ate every crumb cause it was so delicious, I wish I could cook like this! After that I ordered another 2dl of wine to wash it off.

-I'll go to the restroom real quick, I'll be back – I smiled, so did he, but when I got up, he gave me a napkin which was folded once. I was a bit confused at first but while I was walking to the toalett, I opened it.

"Go to the unisex one, I'll meet you there ;)"

I did as told, waited a few minutes in confusion. I looked around, thinking he want to show me something, I even peaked under the cabins to check for something like flowers or something for a proposal, but then he arrived, pulling me into the cabin I was standing in front, then closed the door, doing all this without saying a word. I was about to ask, but he smashed his lips against mine and kissed me passionately, while his hands were wandering down my waist, stopping at my butt, grabbing into it. I moaned into his mouth, releasing where this is going, touching his dick through his suit in return. Silly me though he's gonna be romantic for once but he's just horny again... and I love it!

-I'm not gonna stop until little Eli gets into your belly – he whispered on my lips so I giggled.

-You mean little Olivia? – I smirked. We both will be happy no matter what gender they'll be, but he really wants a boy, meanwhile I'd kill for a girl. He rolled his eyes and then pulled my dress up and after spitting on his dick, he shoved himself into me without any preparation so I yelled in pain, but realized we're in public so I pushed a hand onto my mouth and kept everything in, only my muffled moans made sounds.

When he got tired of keeping my leg up and thrusting upwards, he put the toalett lid down and sat down on it, then I got on top of him and started ridding him. I had troubles staying quiet but I bit on his shoulder which helped a bit, but will leave a big bruise.

All of a sudden I heard someone coming in, so my muscles tensed, making Elliot's experience either better or worse. I immediately stopped moving, I didn't want to be heard by someone but El had other plans. He held me up and started thrusting.

-Wha-What are you doing?! Some... Someone's in here! – I tried to keep my cool, whispering into his ears. The background music was loud enough to cover us, for now.

-So? That's what makes it even better – he groaned, going faster so even if I didn't give out any noise at all, they would still hear it because of the flapping sound our skin gave whenever they touch.

-You idiot... – I tried my best but I have to admit, someone being there and hearing us turned me on too, so instead of wanting to stop, I got closer and closer to the edge. – I'm gonna... – I bit the end off, panting into his ears. Unlike me, he was groaning like we were at home which was enough to make me cum, and soon he joined too, releasing himself into me, as deep as he could.

-Good for you guys – someone knocked on the door while giggling, and then they left so we laughed it off. Good thing they weren't problematic about it. If this happened to me, I'm not sure how I'd react. Before I probably would have left the whole place immediately cause of the second hand embarrassment, but now that I experienced it myself, I say it would remember me of this day and make me horny.

We got ourself together after calming down. I fixed my hair, dress and makeup, while he just put his dick away, washed his hands and left after like 3 minutes. For me it took like 10 to make myself look not... used.


It's been a few days now since we did the restaurant sex and right now my heart is racing as I'm looking at the pregnancy test. I was holding Elliot's hand, squeezing it while reaching for the test with a shaky hand.

-It's okay baby, calm down... – he held my shoulder but it didn't do anything. I'm scared it's gonna be what it always is.

I took a deep breath and then picked it up and took a look.


My jaw dropped as we both yelled from joy, hugging each other tightly. I even shred some tears, relieved that it finally happened.

I'm gonna be a mother!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2024 ⏰

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