Contest #2

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Here we are, twenty (20) Corner Booth episodes finished. That's twenty weeks... that's twenty hours worth of content about Wattpad and writing. WOW.

Well, with episode twenty comes Corner Booth Contest #2!

If you were around for the last contest, then you know how this works... if you weren't, then let me give you the scoop. 

The Corner Booth strives to support the community feel that Wattpad has, and with that, we've decided to run our contests a little different. Instead of submitting your own story for our contests, you nominate someone else. Yes, you nominate another writer on the site. You will submit the writer and story that you enjoy on Wattpad, and why you like that person and that particular story. 




Why that story and person are special to you/why you're nominating them.

We ask that you nominate writers who are still regularly active with Wattpad and who also engage with their readers and the community as a whole in whatever way. Maybe they're active in the clubs, maybe they try to respond to every comment left by their readers, maybe they go out and read other stories and leave thoughtful and helpful comments, so long as they're active in one form or another. Let us know who you think has an awesome story and who you think should be the next Corner Booth Grand Prize Winner. (The nominated person must have been active within the past ninety (90) days.)

This go around we will have four more Corner Booth panelist judges (number of judges subject to change depending on number of entries). They are

Nat Bradford: natsaninja

Ashlyn McCowan: StoryofAshlyn

Michelle Hayes: Michelle007

Thomas Bonnick: 5ifthproject

Nominations will be open for one week (August 2-9). They will close at 11:59pm EST. From there, the Corner Booth judges will have one week to select their top entry. The top four will then be sent off to our guest judge who will have one week to make the final selection.

The top four will get an interview that will be placed in this contest book. The grand prize winner will receive a bunch of swag as well as their interview in the book. 

Our guest judge for this contest is guest panelist, USA Today Best Selling Author, and host of the Wattpad Block Party, Kelly Anne Blount (KellyAnneBlount).

Well, what are you waiting for? Get nominating!!

Nominations will only be accepted if they are in the comments section of this chapter. If they are anywhere else, they will not be looked at or counted.

Nominations begin when this post goes live and close one week later (meaning they close Sunday August, 9th at 11:59PM EST) Any submissions after this date and time will not be counted. 

Any authors who have not been active within the past three months will not be counted.

If you watched the Corner Booth episode tonight, well then you know what to do in here to be entered to win a Wattpad mug!

Happy Wattpadding!

Corner Booth ContestsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz