I can't believe this is all happening to him again. Well this time is a little different. She actually tired kissing him. I just want girls to leave him alone. I hate knowing he has to go through this situation. I know he can't control it either. It upsets me that neither of us can control it. I wish I could. I didn't like Lindsey before and I really don't like her now. I lightly pecked his lips, "Did you tell anyone after?"

He nodded, "I went to my boss about it."

I moved some of his hair, "Did he say anything about it?"

I felt him start running his finger tips up and down my back, "He said how he needs to talk to her about it but he gave me tomorrow off so I'm not around her. I mean he knows about the other things she's tried."

I softly kissed his cheek, "I'm so sorry she did this to you."

He shook his head, "You couldn't control it, love. She did it because she wanted to and there was nothing either of us could really do about it but stop the situation before things got worse even though it was bad as it was."

I moved my hand up and started caressing his cheek with my thumb again, "She's lucky I wasn't there."

He chuckled, "Really?"

I nodded as I moved closer to him, "I might have got into a fight with her."

He laughed as he lightly kissed my nose, "You're so cute, love."

I really don't understand him sometimes. I don't get why he thinks it's cute that I would have done that. I mean she shouldn't being trying to do things with my husband. I mean he has a ring on his finger for a reason and he doesn't try to hide it.

I looked at him a little confused, "Now I'm cute?"

"Well it's just that you're still so innocent, love. It's funny hearing you say that you would have got into a fight with her."

I stopped caressing his cheek, "I would have."

He lightly pecked my lips, "Have you ever been in a fight before?"

I shook my head, "I've never had a reason to be."

He chuckled, "You're so cute, babe."

I pecked his lips, "I could have kicked her ass."

He smiled as he lightly pecked my lips, "I know you would have."

I lent into him as I wrapped my arms back around him. I don't like how someone could just make things so hard for him. I just want girls to leave him alone. I have a feeling that things might stay like this because of his past. It's just that the past two girls that have done this haven't been from his past or maybe they were and I didn't know.

Louis' POV

I'm surprised with the way that Allison took everything. She always seems to surprise me lately. Especially with the one she had when I got home. Seeing her in my button down shirt with red lingerie underneath was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen her in. Maybe I can find a way for her to wear those more often. I love the color red on her. If it's even possible it makes her even more sexy.

I am surprised that she did pull me into our bathroom for part of my surprise. I mean I know that was on our list of places. We should probably update that. We've made love in a few of those places now and I would like to add on to it. I'm not sure what she'll say about it. Maybe she'll enjoy it as much as I will. Well I know that she will.

I can't believe she said she would kick Lindsey's ass. I wish she would but she's still so innocent. I can't see her doing that. She might if she's ever around Lindsey after what happened. I would probably try to stop it. I don't want anything happening to Allison. I will make sure nothing happens to her.

She moved her face into the crook my neck as she tightened her arms around me. I love being able to just lay here with her like this. I feel like we don't get to do this as much anymore. Probably because since the wedding we've been making love a lot. I don't mind. I love being with her like that every chance I get. I'm sure she knows that by now.

I'm addicted to that feeling. I never had that feeling being with anyone before her. Everyone before her didn't matter though. She's like my own little drug. I'll never get enough of her. Even when we're older.

My thoughts were interrupted by her leaving a soft kiss on my neck before pulling back so she could look at me. She lightly pecked my lips, "What do you want to do for dinner?"

I can't help but smirk, "I'm not really hungry, love. I believe I've already had something amazing."

Her face turned bright red as she hid it back into the crook of my neck. I can't help but smile after seeing that. I love knowing I have that affect on her. It's cute though. I felt her kiss my neck, "You're a pervert."

I can't help but chuckle, "I'm not a pervert."

"Yes you are."

I kissed her head, "If I was I would be saying many worse things like how I love that way your walls..."

Before I could finish I felt place her hand on top of my mouth, "Okay. Please don't finish that."

I softly kissed her hand as she moved her hand away from my mouth. I'm not surprised that she did that. I know she's not used to people say those things out loud. I don't really say what all I would love to. I used to all the time without thinking. It's different now. I don't want anyone to hear what I think about Allison. That's mainly for me to know and for her to eventually find out. Especially how I love the feeling of her tight walls around me. Fuck! That is the most amazing feeling that only I've felt. I'll make sure it stays that way too.

I really shouldn't be thinking about this right now. We might end up redoing what we just did in the shower. I wouldn't mind but she seems pretty tired from it. She could barely stand anymore from all the pleasure. I love knowing I have that affect on her.

I looked down at her and saw that her face was still a little flushed from what I said. I think it's cute seeing that. I lent down, lightly pressing my lips against her's. They were so soft against mine like they always are. I have a feeling they won't ever be another way. I'm fine with that. It just shows how innocent she still is. I love that about her though. I felt her move one of her hands up, cupping my cheek in it.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that. I know I need to pull away before this leads to more. I pulled away. She's a little out of breath. I can't help but smile about it. I mumbled, "Are you getting hungry, love?"

She nodded, "What are you wanting to do for dinner?"

I lightly brushed my lips over her's, "We can just order in some Chinese food then we can watch movies up here till we decide to go to bed."

I noticed her start to smile, "I love that idea."

I can't help but smile seeing her's. It makes me happy. I love the fact that I can want to do something so simple and she's happy with it. She's happy with everything I do. I would rather it be this way. Me making her happy and not upset. I lightly pecked her lips before moving away from her. I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed my phone out of my pants before walking back into our room. I laid back down next to her before ordering our dinner.

Hopefully the rest of tonight stays like this for us. I have a feeling that it will. Especially since she doesn't seem upset with what I told her. It probably makes things a little better that I get to stay home with her tomorrow. I would rather be here with her anyway. I would quit my job if she would let me. I might get to that point if people keeping trying things like they have been.

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