Kwami-Fever [Part 2]

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'Why the hell did you agree to this?' Plagg flew behind Adrien as he scrambled around his bedroom, using him as the first line of defence against a species he was reluctant to call a kwami.

'I thought it would help Ladybug out,' Adrien said, as he dived behind the couch.

Plagg squealed, following Adrien and hiding away. This 'kwami' - or what did Adrien call it? A kwogey? - was certifiably insane. Why his holder thought it was a good idea for him to babysit it for a whole day was beyond him. Far, far beyond!

'You owe me for this,' he hissed as he turned to look over the back of the sofa. The damn fox had disappeared. He couldn't have gone far. After all, there was no way something so young would have a good grasp on their powers. Though with the mischievous attitude of this little thing, Plagg was sure they were in for quite the next twenty-four hours.

Looking around Adrien's room, Plagg wondered when exactly the kwami was going to come in for an attack. It seemed Aniime had a very mischievous disposition, which would have been fine if they were staying put for the whole day.

But no. Instead, Plagg was going to be babysitting this pain in the backside for at least the next three hours while Adrien sucked face with Marinette. Why couldn't she have looked after it herself? She was the guardian and Tikki was the one who sneezed this little trouble maker out, so why did they have it?

'Duck!' Adrien shouted.

'Where?' Plagg responded, only to turn at the wrong moment and end up with a kwogey planting a cream pie right in his face. Where the hell had he gotten that from?

Using one of his numbs, Plagg grabbed Adrien's tee and wiped the cream from his face. He was certain the remnants were running down his cheeks like streaks of white paint, transforming him into a piece of artwork Banksy would be proud of.

'I'm sorry,' Adrien whispered, looking down at his tee before yanking his white overshirt off and waving it as a flag of surrender.

'We're coming out!' He slowly stood up, looking around for where the kwogey had gone, only to drop straight back down as it seemed the little feral thing had found another cream pie.

'What the hell were you thinking?' Plagg hissed.

'Obviously, I wasn't!' Adrien said. He rolled to the side and crawled over and into his closet.

Plagg flew in unpredictable zigzags over to where Adrien had bolted for cover, hoping to all things Miraculous, the small thing couldn't catch him.

'That damn thing is gonna mess up your date with Marinette, you know.'

Adrien shrugged. Shrugged!

'Do you not care about your identity at all?'

The smile that appeared on Adrien's face sent a chill down his spine. 'That's the beauty of it all. If he ruins the date, I get to reveal my identity to Marinette.'

'Really?!' Plagg said, flabbergasted Marinette would put their identities in danger so willingly.

'Yep! Ladybug said that it was OK. Just imagine Marinette's reaction when she realises she's been dating Chat Noir.' Adrien laughed so hard, Plagg was certain tears were about to stream down his cheeks.

'Oh, yeah!' Plagg said off-handedly. 'I'm sure she'll be glad to know you went chasing her in the same week with two different aliases'. I mean, no offence Adrien, but she really wanted Chat Noir, and you turned her down.'

Adrien froze, and Plagg couldn't help the smirk pulling the corner of his lips.

'You're right!' Adrien said. 'She is going to hate me. We can't let her find out.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2024 ⏰

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